View Full Version : feeling happy for the first time in a year ! x

sarah jayne
30-05-10, 10:06
Hi all. today ive woken up feeling happy for the first time in ages. I suffer badly from anxiety and although i still feel anxious i also feel positive, i feel that life is worth living again. It might be something to do with the fact that i blew my entire savings on a gorgeous new car yesterday ( golf gt tdi) but i think i deserve it after the hell ive been through this past year. Yes im still worried about dying and i know that i'll be in pain for the rest of my life cause ive recently been diagnosed with fibromyalgia but i owe it to my family to ry and get better. Ive been reading a book that has really helped me, its about learning to live with fibro, ive also been attending cbt and have been referred for councilling. Im not on any meds cause they dont agree with me I just hope i go on feeling this way.....xx:)

30-05-10, 10:12
Glad that things are looking up for you. Baggs.

30-05-10, 11:12
Glad your feeling happy today and thanks for all your replies , it really helps.
pauline x

30-05-10, 17:42
So happy for ya hun :) xx