View Full Version : throat? lung?

30-05-10, 11:04
I am starting to freak out about this breathing/throat thing.I didnt have it for half of the day yesterday and then it came back at tea time.I have had it since i got up today, it feels odd and raw or sore at the bottom of my neck under my adams apple(inside not outside).I keep feeling like i need to clear my throat and sometimes a little bit of mucous comes up.I keep having to take a deep breath and this makes my throat sore. Any ideas?

30-05-10, 11:56
No one get this or know what it is?:weep:

30-05-10, 16:49

30-05-10, 18:08
I have been having a sore throat on and off since February, around the same time as my anxiety levels went through the roof. My throat feels raw and sore exactly where you describe and although I am worried it is throat cancer, the likelyhood is that it is either caused by anxiety or the fact that I constantly cough to check how my throat feels, look at it in the mirror and poke at it with cotton buds! I mean that would be enough to make it sore right! Hope that makes you feel slightly better.

30-05-10, 21:12
Most probably sinus problem (nasal drip, when mucous drips down the back of the throat when asleep and makes it feel sort of 'full' when you wake up, and then you clear it and it feels dry)....or seasonal pollen allergy?
e.t.a. I have something similar myself at the moment, the plane trees are shedding lots of little bits and pieces and it's windy and dry.