View Full Version : Getting better.....?

30-05-10, 13:37
Hi. I just found this site whilst looking for info on Zispin and decided to join as the site looks so good. The info I found was great.
I've been on Zispin for three weeks now. 15mg for the first two weeks which has just been raised to 30mg. I was taking Efexor for two years but in a moment of madness decided to stop taking all my meds. This resulted in a stay at the psych ward and the starting of the Zispin. I also s'hd again after 4 months 'clean'....gutted!
For the first two weeks on the Zispin I went from feeling suicidal to absolutely great. Then these last few days I've been feeling very wobbly. I seem to have this great fear that something bad is about to happen and my head doesn't seem to be my own anymore. Yesterday all I did was cry and I've pretty much convinced myself that my husband and children will be better off without me. I feel so down on myself as my depression is now reaching it's fourth year and no matter how much my meds are changed or how much therapy I get I go back to this state. I even had a hysterectomy in November (I'm 36) as hormonal imbalance is also a problem for me.
Does anyone have any suggestions about the Zispin.. Will these feelings start to subside? Will my hunger for carbs fade away.??? Please don't say go back on the Efexor because for some strange reason I won't allow myself to take it again as I became convinced that it was doing strange things to my mind!!!
I also take 200mg Lamictal daily and 20mg daily of Abilify.. Does anyone else take Abilify? I take it because I'm told to but I don't seem to feel any effects from it what so ever!
Sorry for rambling..but I do tend to do that..hence the name. x:hugs:

30-05-10, 13:39
Hi rambler

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes