View Full Version : i smile when all i want to do is breakdown

jen jen
30-05-10, 15:59
ok well i am new at this and bare with me if i waffle on hope i wont though. Really i dont know how to feel i have so much going on in my head its hard to make sense of it all. I am a very paranoid person and i do not trust easily because in the end you always get let down by the people you put your trust in the most. Knowone is honest anymore and it makes life so difficult. i get down quite abit i can go through a week feeling fine or a night where i am out and i feel fine but then one thing happens and it just knocks me back. i dont think i really have many true friends and even with the people who i do hold close to me hurt me. like i will see a status and think is it about me does that person mean me and then i will over think and it isnt being big headed it is just being paranoid. if a friend is in a bad mood i automatically think it must be towards me when sometimes it just isnt but i cant help thinking that way. my trouble is i want people to like to and i try so hard that i just end up feeling like a mug and it really gets me down.
it is hard to explain but i just feel so alone right now like you can be in a room full of people but still feel so alone and i feel noone understands and thinks im being stupid and pathetic. just because you cant see it doesnt mean it isnt there and no one understands that. i try and explain and i get told there is nothing wrong there are people out there worse off than you, you have nothing to be depressed or down about. is it too much to ask for for someone to just say its ok hug and say i am here for you and just be a friend??instead of putting me down and making me feel like my feelings are nothing because it makes you feel worse and then you do start to feel like nothing and that you dont matter. i feel the only one who understands is my friend lauren without her i really would doubt myself and my feelings. she makes me realise what i am feeling isnt over reacting and that i am not being silly/stupid/pathetic. she understands and doesnt judge. i mean i dont think im manic depressant or anything by any means but i do feel i may have some mild something..
i try so hard that when something bad happens btwn me and a mate it really upsets me like when we have a row. its like i expect to be hurt and left and all alone so i just push people away without even realising it. iv been hurt alot in the past and i fear rejection, like in every sense friendship, with a bloke etc. i am so worried about what people think of me and it gets me so uptight that i get knotts in my tummy i get a headache and stressed. i take things to heart too much i get over upset about alot of things and i have been hurt and it has made me into this person i am not keen on. i dont want to feel like this i just dont know how to not be..
i hate showing emotions so i like to keep things bottled up and cry in the privacy of my own room so knowone knows or can see or hear. i put on a smile when i want to break down. its hard for me to open up and its hard for me to put my feelings into writing if that makes sense. well i think i have waffled on enough so i am going to finish for now. :blush:

30-05-10, 16:03
Hi jen jen

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

30-05-10, 16:25
Hi Jen Jen,

Welcome to nmp. Have a read of social anxiety, you might find it helpful.

Take care .. andrew

jen jen
30-05-10, 16:45
thank you both i am going to have a read its all new to me really but i wana feel better.

Vanilla Sky
30-05-10, 19:56
Welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

30-05-10, 20:58
As stated, the side help articles are very good.

31-05-10, 16:19
Hi Jen Jen, Firstly, if this is a problem to you then its a problem full stop. Doesnt matter what others problems are as its all relative (: I am similar to you and can relate to what you have wrote. I am very sensitive and i think its getting worse as i get older. I find myself being very paranoid about what people/friends think of me and to the point where ive imagined how they look at me/view me and its probably really only a reflection of how i view myself! I get to the point where i start disliking them..its a vicious circle. Although i havent really got any advice for you i thought i would just let you know i am going through a similar thing. I actually think there are a lot of paths in life and sometimes we can find ourselves on one that isnt as great as it could have been so maybe there are a group of friends out there that you would fit in nicely with and would be more sensitive to your feelings and therefore make you feel like a better person? How old are you? it sounds like you are trying to find your feet. Your friend Lauren sounds nice tho (: i think we only need one true friend anyway (; x

jen jen
31-05-10, 22:13
hi me thanks i agree if it is a problem to me then it is a problem. some of my friends just dont understand so they dont think anything is wrong and cant see the problem and say nothing is wrong so it does make you start to think maybe it is all in my head i am being silly and stupid but then you just need to think no it is real and it is very much affecting you. i am trying to not let things bother me and it is hard and i do get paranoid about what friends think when i see posts or status's you do think is that about me do they mean me are they having a dig and it does get hard. i can have such a good nite or week but one thing sets me back like one step forward two steps back. i am 24 and i think it is a battle i have had with myself that it started i am not happy with myself. i even am on a diet and lost a stone and a half and im still not happy. i want to get past this but what people think and say affects and upsets me when it is negative. in life you do find out that ppl come and go only true friends have a place in your heart. she is yeh and it helps she understands as she goes through alot aswell x

Lauren Chambers
31-05-10, 22:16
:yesyes: Well done. Keep it up xxx

jen jen
31-05-10, 22:23
thanks lauren :) :D xxx