View Full Version : bad day.

30-05-10, 18:15
i hate myself for being so selfish,always worry about me,cant seem to feel anything for anyone else,i guess iv always been anxiety sufferer,but since health worries kicked in about 6 months ago its got worse x10.im 37 and should be having time of my life with 3 kids,im just getting really annoyed for being so inward,why cant i worry about money,kids,work....etc.....i just feel really freakish and i hate the way i am.

30-05-10, 18:23
I'm sorry to hear you're having a bad day. I'm 36 and also have three kids. I also feel selfish for being the way I am. I suppose we have to be well in ourselves in order to look after our family. So by thinking about yourself you are in fact thinking about your children. Do you mind me asking what your health worries are? Are you on any medication? Therapy etc?

30-05-10, 19:24
hi,im taking cymbalta,clonazepam and about to take lyrica.i have counselling and cbt too.my health anxiety is about my heart mainly,but every symptom i get i think its something terrible,its not much of a life at the mo.

30-05-10, 19:43
I suppose the only thing to say is 'hang in there'. It sounds so lame but it's what I'm doing at the moment. By the skin of my teeth!!
Maybe the Lyrica (what is that?? I've never heard of it) will help some. I've just changed from Efexor to Zispin and feel terrible. I seem to have changed my meds so many times over the past three years I'm almost embarrased to ask my Psych to change again. So I quess I'm stuck with the Zispin for a while.
Do you have any enthusiasm for anything?

30-05-10, 19:46
My gran died today and I am absolutely devastated. It's my first proper bereavement and I just don't know what to do.

My health anxiety has gone through the roof today. Worst day of my life so far.

30-05-10, 20:34
Make an appointment to see your GP first thing in the morning, Skippy. It's really something that you should talk through with your Dr rather than trying to deal with it alone. I'm so sorry to hear about your Gran. I lost mine a few years back and it totally knocked me for 6. I didn't visit the Dr until I was on the verge of a breakdown over it. Don't wait for that to happen to you. Maybe you could get some berevement councelling or just a short dose of medication just to get you over these next few painful days.