View Full Version : So worried about swollen lymphnode in groin.

30-05-10, 21:55
For about 6 months iv had a swollen lymphnode in my groin. One night i was lay in bed then felt this pulsating feeling on the right side of my groin. I looked down and could see my lymphnode going up and down. I was in panic so i went to the doctors and he told me it was fine and not to worry about it. But its hard not to because after six months its still large, quite thin but long about half an inch maybe abit bigger, but it hurts to. Not to touch but pain within that region. Hs anybody else got anything like this? Its driving me nuts. Im most definatley going back to the doctors on tuesday. Im so scared i have cancer. Im sick to death of thinking everything i have is cancer. God please give me strength :(

31-05-10, 00:13
I think that if it has enlarged and ispainful then you would be wise to go back,though most likely it will be maybe an infection rather than anything more sinister.

I have had very enlarged nodes in my groins for a few years now and have been reassurred that they are fine. I also have a very strong pulse in my femoral arteries (which is what you are seeing) and this can be seen visually as well.


01-06-10, 10:23
Hi thankyou for your reply. You seem the only decent person to take the time to give me some advice so i thankyou :) Is it a bad thing if the femoral arterie pulses so much that you can see it? I could actually feel it aswell, it was horrrible x

01-06-10, 15:32
hi sammie, i had a big swollen lymph node in my groin!! i went up the walls thinking it was cancer(as i do nething like that) ne way got big enough for me to think i need to ask the doc,scared as i was, and he explained that theyre just like the glands in our neck they swell at ne infection, its the bodies way of fighting it, and the same thing which groin glands,after a course of antibiotics which he gave me(for my sinus) it gradually went away!! and the fact that i stopped playing with it every 5 mins to see if it had gone like we do!! hope this helps!! big hugs becca xx