View Full Version : why am I thinking about this now?

jaded jean
31-05-10, 09:23
Last June I had a really bad panic attack,to the extent where I could not remember going into my sisters house, and sitting there staring for a few hours. The doctor was called and He did a few tests even one for stroke which unsettled me . I cannot remember much of that day and I have heard that it happens because the brain wipes it from your memory.
So now for some reason I am getting the wobbles thnking its going to happen again. Do you think its because I am getting ready for my return to work as this incident happenend on my way there.
I think its the support thing I need ,Thanks for reading

31-05-10, 09:30
Hi Jean,
You've been feeling a bit nervous about getting back to work all weekend, your previous posts show that. Perhaps thinking of that is part of the healing process, the mind is a strange thing.

You might feel a bit wobbly today, but that memory is just that. I'm sure you'll pull through ok getting to work and once your there you'll be able to get on with things and keep your mind occupied. Have some posts from NMP ready to read should you feel a bit anxious and they'll give you something to focus on, it's when we let our minds wander of their own accord that we get thoughts that don't do us any good.

You'll be ok, just think that last June is behind you now, time to get back to what you enjoy doing.

jaded jean
31-05-10, 09:34
Thanks Raindog .
I am crying now as I just cant believe how much it has affected me. I am taking my dad and our dog to a country park today and yes the fear is there that something might happen. I dont know. I think because I am doing the recovery bit on my own as there are no groups here like I mentioned before its bloody hard work- I'm hard work sometimes.

31-05-10, 09:39
No worries Jean,
I'm feeling a bit down and doing the reflection thing today too, as you can tell from todays post in my Citalopram thread. Things like this that have affected us will bubble to the surface as we deal with each problem in turn so hopefully once you've let this one rise up and you've come to terms with it, you'll perhaps learn a little something and be able to move on.

Enjoy your trip out today, sounds like a nice place to visit.

31-05-10, 11:34
Jean, try to focus on remembering you weren't on your meds when this happened. I know it's hard as I still do the "what if" thing at times even though I haven't had a PA for months. I'm gradually getting there but it does take time to retrain your brain, get over your fears, whatever.

The thought of returning to work is bound to be preying on your mind but remember - you are now better equipped to deal with that as well. x

jaded jean
31-05-10, 14:16
Thank you both for your support x I have just arrived back from my morning out and feel a little less anxious,thoughts are not as apparent as they were first thing, It would be nice if it could stop mind!
NB, Raindog I just read your cit thread, it was very interesting, remember when you first came onto the site and you mentioned 'gallows humour' I think its in us all when in this situation. I do tend to say things as I see it- that really goes down well.Hope your day gets better too:winks: