View Full Version : absolutely petrified.... am i dying?

31-05-10, 11:45
am a 23 year old have been diagnosed with anxiety states in march

i've since realised that its because i am so frightened of having a brain tumor/blot clot etc.

i keep getting a prickly needle feeling in my head around the crown and a pressure over the side of my head. i also get a really stiff neck and feel reluctant to move my head in case this sets it off. sometimes when i cough i can feel the pain get worse as i cough then it goes again. also my eyes get very strange and feel almost warm...?

i have been waking up with this and have nausea although i know that this is probably fear....

am going to the doctors tomorrow but am so scared that its going to be something really serious and i'm going to die and leave my daughter

i really don;t know what to do i am really emotional at the moment and need advice....


31-05-10, 11:47
alos keep getting a feeling in my ear like theres a stone or something there

31-05-10, 12:37

been suffering from helth anxiety for over 6 years now and each symptom u have listed i have had on and of for the 6 years, have been for tests and they all came back clear.

I have 3 children and when i think of leaving them it always petrifies me.

Symptoms of feeling sick are so common with anxiety, so dont worry..

This site has been a life saver to me over the years, but i have only joined today, cause i have now realised after a long time that it is anxiety is have and that im not constantly dying with brain tumors, heart attacks and many more

hope u feel better


31-05-10, 12:47
i know logically that everything probably does stem from the anxiety but as soon as you get back into the vicious cycle all the positive messages you tell yourself stop working and you find yourself drowning in it again...

i desperately want to be able to cope with this my daughter has started imitating me and she is also "ill" most of the time!! just fnd it so confusing!!

Vanilla Sky
31-05-10, 12:53
Just wanted to welcome you both to NMP , you will find it supportive here. :welcome:
Paige xx

31-05-10, 13:26
thankyou paige

its really frustrating to have a constant headache it changes sensation alot throughout the day like now its like an alice band but that goes over both my cheeks but later it will be somewhere or something else. i also get a knod of numbness over both my calves and aburning/itchy.sore feeling at the base of my head on the left......sorry for the symptom listing!!!

its really difficult to accept that its anxiety causing this!!