View Full Version : Period question - please help

31-05-10, 11:52
Hey this is a question on behalf of my sister as her last three periods hav been two weeks apart and I'm really worried about her. She's only 19 and I don't think she had sex. Any ideas what could cause this? Could it be cervical cancer?

Please reply
love louise

31-05-10, 12:41
Hi Louise

I've had times when my periods have been only 2 and a half weeks apart, for months on end, other times when they've been every 28 days, and the rest of the time anywhere in between. I've just had 6 weeks of it, non-stop, followed by a break of a week and a half, now it's back again! There are a lot of things that can cause a change in frequency/duration of bleeding - but if it was anything to be really worried about I'm sure there would be other symptoms. Your sister can talk to a nurse at her gp surgery, or call family planning for a chat - just to put her mind at rest.

Apart from the periods, does she feel ok? Has she ever had a smear test? Were her periods regular before this? Cervical cancer can cause irregular bleeding - between periods and after sex - but not more frequent periods. Really, the best thing is for her to speak to a family planning nurse, or make an appointment to see her gp. They may want to check her iron levels if she's bleeding heavily, in case she has become anaemic (nothing to worry about and easily rectified with tablets).

Please try not to worry, and encourage your sis to see a doctor or nurse - to put both of your minds at rest.


31-05-10, 12:41
Hello. It is very unlikely to be cervical cancer at your sisters age but there are a number of other medical conditions that can make you have irregular periods such as endometriosis and ovarian cysts. Your sister needs to see the doctor but try not to worry because it is unlikely to be any thing serious. Periods can often be irregular when you are young xx

31-05-10, 16:29
It's extremely unlikely at her age. Is she on any form of hormonal contraception? My implant has made me very open to 'external influences' in that I managed to synchronise my cycle with two of my flatmates... who get their periods at different times. Fun, two periods a month. She's young enough for her cycle to still be in the process of settling down.

31-05-10, 17:41
Unfortunately it is a myth that having children can 'settle' your periods. It just isn't true! As the other posters have suggested she needs to see a GP to discuss her difficulties. Going onto the contraceptive pill will regulate her periods but it will also mask any other difficulties such as PCOS. Endometriosis requires specialist handling to retain fertlity and quality of life as its effects can be very debilitating. I wish you both well.

31-05-10, 21:02
I never ever had regular periods until I got on the pill. It's not likely it's anything serious but a checkup wouldn't hurt at all! She could at least get on the pill and get regulated. :)