View Full Version : Over whelming tiredness.

31-05-10, 12:20
Lately I have been exhausted all the time. I normally get to sleep about half 11/12 and then get up about 7 with my son but I am finding getting up at 7 a struggle lately.
My son is 4 and goes to nursery school from half 8 until half 11 every week day and I have found myself going home and falling asleep for the couple of hours he is there! But even after that I am still tired.
On friday I fell asleep on the chair in my living room in the middle of the day as well and then saturday I slept in until half 12 because my son was with my mum.
I'm starting to get really worried that some thing is wrong with me. I know I do some times have late nights (like on friday night I was up until about 1) and also some times my son still wakes me up in the night by coming in to my bed. Also I am waiting for my new job to start up so I know I am becoming bored and frustrated waiting for my start date and I am on citalopram 40 mg so I'm not sure if all of this has any thing to do with it. But I am starting to think I have cancer or some thing. I could literally sleep all day if I had the chance!

Thanks in advance to any replies xx

31-05-10, 13:45
HI I feel like this sometimes as though no matter how much you sleep you still need more! i don't know if it is because of the tablets not having any personal experience with them myself but its common to be very lethargic with anxiety especially if you have been tense recently as it drains all your energy.

Gemma xx

31-05-10, 13:50
I am constantly tired as well but i am the opposite and i cant sleep. Just another lovely symptom of anxiety i am told.

31-05-10, 17:37
I got tired on Citalopram, in fact on all the SSRIs. When I was on Seroxat I would sometimes sleep all weekend, just waking up to eat. I was tired even on Prozac which is meant to be the most stimulating SSRI.


31-05-10, 20:02
Hi, I think it is called crashing fatigue.

31-05-10, 20:07
Hi thanks for replying every one.

It probably is just down to citalopram. I am thinking of asking the doctor to wean me off them for this reason because I don't want to go on feeling constantly tired! But then I am worried about coming off them as well because I don't want my anxiety to go back to being as bad as it was.

I looked up crashing fatigue and apparently it is some thing to do with the menopause and it won't be that for me because I am only 20 xx

31-05-10, 21:09
It might be also a symtom of depression as ive been gettong this a lot recently as well as the anxiety, Im not sure if its to do with sleeping paterns as I have no problem getting to sleep in the 1st place (though I used to) I just cant get up and when I do I also feel tired all day.

My freind has Agoraphobia and has a similar problem.

Someone recommended to me cutting out all alcohol and caffeine. Im going to try this next week and see if it helps me. Its worth a try.

31-05-10, 21:19
Hi thanks for replying. Yeah I do have depression as well but lately I have been feeling very upbeat so not sure if it could be that or not?

I don't drink any alcohol and rarely have caffeine because it tends to make my anxiety worse so don't think it could be that.

I have read that if you sleep too much then it actually makes your body even more tired if that makes sense? I am going to try having earlier nights and see how I go.

I hope you sort your sleep problems out soon too. It really is horrible isn't it xx