View Full Version : for women - night sweats

31-05-10, 12:36
I'm used to having hot flashes and waking up sweaty and hot - then cooling down and getting chilled. (I'm 56). But last night I would wake up all sweaty but freezing - it was like I had slept through the hot flash part which is not how it usually happens for me. Woke up several times like this. I did have the air conditioner on and it was quite cool if that had something to do with it.
Anyone else have this?

31-05-10, 12:37
Hi. I have often woke up really clammy, its always when I have left my bedroom window open too. I really don't think its any thing to worry about xx

Going home
31-05-10, 13:44
Could have been that the hot flash part wasn't that hot for a change and the cooling down part was cooler than usual because of the air-con and being very cold can wake you as much as being very hot. I usually wake up hot too (i'm also 56) but not sweaty thankfully, ive never been a sweaty person fortunately. Then I have the usual duvet on/duvet off for the rest of the night!

Anna xxx :)

31-05-10, 14:23
Thanks for your replies. I usually wake up very hot/sweaty. Then take the blanket off. Then get cold, and put the blanket back on. On and off all night. This was just different - waking up sweaty and cold.

31-05-10, 14:34
ill join the club girls,i to wake regular with the tropical moments and have woke up cold but clammy,its all to do with the harmones,im 53,you probly have slept through the hot one jothenurse,nothing to be worried about hun,i call it menapausal madness,ha.ellen.xx

01-06-10, 08:08
Yes jo I can also totally relate to that.I still get the hot flashes in the daytime as well on some days.

01-06-10, 10:25
Yes iv been having this. Im 24 years old. I keep waking feeling all hot and clammy, but i am having BAD sleep disturbance at the minute aswell :( .... I was worried that maybe its a sign of something bad. Iv heard that it could be the sign of lymphoma. So yes i am now in full painc to :( x