View Full Version : feel so ill.

31-05-10, 13:10
Is it normal to have a list of symptoms for 6 weeks even though i dont feel as stressed? I just can not get it out of my head that something is going on as i feel constantly ill.I have had bloods done and all ok. 2 doctors have sat and talked to me for ages to reassure me nothing serious is going on. I am waiting for a chest x ray,endoscopy and abdominal ultrasound scan and they have said they are sending me for them not because they think anythings wrong but to give me reassurance.I feel a little reassured when i first come out of docs but then when i feel ill again all the negative thoughts come back.
I am driving my friend and partner mad continually saying i am going to die.
I feel like i cant breath constantly now and i never feel hungry and when i eat something my stomach goes nuts and makes noises all night and then i wake in the morning sweating and have to run to the loo.My stomach feels sore and tender when i press it.I feel exhausted but cant sleep and i just dont feel like me.I have just been crying to my partner because i have 2 children and i cant do anything with them.
Dont know what i am going to do if these tests show nothing.I cant cope anymore. Sorry for the depressing rant:weep:

31-05-10, 13:40
I'm so sorry to hear that you are feeling this bad, Zippy. I'm definitely no expert but from my own experiences, which are very similar to yours by the sound of it, it's anxiety related..especially the bad tummy. It'll probably be a comfort to your own mind to have these tests and find nothing wrong. After that I suppose you just have to concentrate on the anxiety. Are you on any anti depression/anxiety meds?
I can also totally understand what you say about not being able to cope with the children. I have three and some days I feel like such a useless Mother that I think they would be better off without me.
I hope you get your tests done soon and can get some kind of reassurance from them.

31-05-10, 13:47
I am on fluoxetine for depression.
I know i feel like a rubbish mam because i cant do want i want to do with them and david my partner has to do everything.

31-05-10, 14:04
Have you been back to your Psych to see if you could be put on an anti/anxiety med to compliment the Proxac? Or maybe even change your meds all together. How long have you been on the Prozac for? And how long have you felt the way you do?
Sorry for all the questions :)

31-05-10, 14:16
I have been on them 3 weeks this time, i have been on them before in the past.
I have felt like this for about 5-6 weeks. My auntie died 5 weeks ago from cancer and i watched her deteriorate and a few days before she died i started getting odd symptoms.Pain in left breast,loose bowels,sweating,fatigue,breathless and generally dont feel well.Everyone keeps saying its anxiety and depression and i want to believe it but i cant believe it can cause all these and make you feel this ill every day.

31-05-10, 14:31
It sounds as if you've been through a terrible time.:hugs:Being there while somebody dies is just the most awful thing and it's no wonder you are feeling paranoid about your own health. Three weeks really isn't such a long time to be on medication. I was told many years ago when my depression first reared it's ugly head that meds can take 6 weeks or longer to start working. Was it your GP who prescribed the Proxac? Has he made you an appointment with a Psychiatrist? Maybe some kind of therapy would also help you. I always thought therapy was a waste of time but my T has been away for a few months and I really miss it.
I really hope you start to feel better soon.

31-05-10, 17:15
no one else any reassurance? i feel like going to a&e but they will only do what the doctor has already done.

31-05-10, 17:42
I can understand how you feel. A close family member died from cancer a couple of months ago. I was convinced I was having a heart attack on the day she got the results of her tests but was able to rationalise it.

A couple of weeks back I had a numb feeling in my cheek and went to my GP, as my blood pressure was raised she sent me off to the hospital immediately to check for a stroke. Needless to say the registrar there examined me and sent me straight home saying it was a panic attack. Since then I can feel my cheek getting painfull if I am stressed. My GP has put me on anti-depressants
but I've only been taking them for a couple of days.

The stomach symptoms are a classic stress/nervous reaction. I can understand why you are worried being sent for tests but at least you will be getting a full examination to put your mind at rest, and if there was anything wrong they will find it.

31-05-10, 17:50
I know i will just have to wait for my tests as they would only take blood pressure etc if i went to a&e.
My food doesnt seem to get time to digest as i am on the toilet all day.

31-05-10, 18:01
Oh Zippy, i'm so sorry you are still feeling this way. I take it you got the doc to refer you for a scan - thats good.:)

I don't know what more to say but wanted to give you a hug and tell you you're not alone:hugs:
