View Full Version : Lumpy feeling on sides?!?

07-02-06, 14:04
I have been worried about some weird feelings on my sides. The other day I had a lump in under my armpit that lasted 3-4 days and went away. Ever since then, I've been checking and feeling myself out for other possible lumps. I noticed last night when I rub my sides, below my ribs, and just above my waist that I have some lumpy type feeling beneath the skin. I can only feel it if I rub the skin with some pressure. Of course, now my sides are hurting because I guess I rubbed too much, too hard, and now it has become irritated. I can only feel it moving around on the inside. Is this normal? I can't remember ever feeling this before. I'm afraid it is lymph nodes or something? Do we have them in this location? Is it something else? This sucks!

07-02-06, 15:52
hi ive just run my fingers down my sides and mine feel lumpy too.i think wen we go looking we ar bound to feel stuff that we didnt no was ther.we wouldnt even no it was ther if we hadnt gone looking.i no if it was anything to worry about it would be a lump that would com to our attention without us looking.even if it wer glands that wer up it doesnt mean anything.ive had glands up for no reason.i no how worrying it can be i too hav health anxiety and it is awful.you really dont hav to worry about your sides.try and think about some other stuff.i no its not easy .hope this helps.take care marcia

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

08-02-06, 05:12
You are freaking out JC, it's the HIV anxiety - I am checking my lymph nodes and looking for lumps constantly. I am sure you are fine. Note: lymph nodes well swell from time to time, it is harmless.

08-02-06, 14:18
Thanks Molly & Henry.

It just felt wierd, so I kept rubbing and checking it out until it became painful. I checked out some stuff on the net, and I don't think we have nodes in that area anyway. Henry you are right, it is HIV anxiety. I had my 3 month test that came back negative, but just won't accept it completely yet, because I still don't feel like myself, like I used to.

08-02-06, 20:14
Also, you can get fatty tumors ... NOT a danger ... just little lumps of fat, and it doesn't matter how thin you are ... it is nothing to worry about, I have one on my rib and it's squishy and moves... freaked me out when I first felt it. I hope that doesn't scare anyone, it's just that we aren't perfectly smooth or the same on one side as the other.
Take care and stay calm. Now that you are negative, you can breathe easy and know that you will do everything in your power to stay that way!

08-02-06, 23:55
I get myself all worked up, I am constantly checking my throat, I have difficulty swallowing from over swallowing. The minute I calm down it all goes back to normal. I was told you could have reciduals from a panic attack lasting months if not years!? I do not feel normal as well and it is not cool. Stay busy, stay awy from Google and the computer!

09-02-06, 01:56
Yea I too was pretty worked up about lumps around my hips. Seemed like I had them on both sides but the one on the rightg was bigger. Like you, I also felt so much they hurt. My brother insists they're normal and he has then so I hope he's right.

09-02-06, 17:16
Yes, they are normal and most of us have them and no there are no lymph collections round the area you are describing.


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