View Full Version : Everyday I wake up anxious and it's driving me crazy!!!

31-05-10, 20:50
Hello all,

I suffer from anxiety in quite a bad way. Every day I wake up anxious, I can't stop thinking about actual or potential issues at work, I over analyse everything and it's driving me mad. I have a lovely family, a decent job and a good social life yet I mentally beat myself up every single day and I don't know what to do about it!!!

I have not been in work now for almost 3 weeks (back in tomorrow) as I've just returned from a family holiday and I just wish I could switch off my work anxiety thoughts for just a day so that I can really enjoy my family & friends time.

I have been suffering this constant anxiety for prolonged periods for just over a year now and I don't know what to do. My doctor hasn't helped me and I am trying to find a new job, however I am worried that a new job may not help!!!


31-05-10, 20:51
Hi lazzareo

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

31-05-10, 21:03
Hi lazzareo,
Welcome to NMP and just to let you know that I was going through just the same thing as you, as have many others. Anxiety often hits in the morning and I was waking up and immediately feeling the grip of anxiety.

I went to my GP and was at first prescribed Propanolol, a beta blocker, that works on the physical symptoms hoping to help the mental ones. I found this wasn't doing the trick and so I'm now on Citalopram for both my anxiety and depression, which seems to be helping quite a bit.

Now I'm not saying medication is your only option, there are other ones that you may find mentioned here on the forum, but it's worth discussing with your doctor. The past week has been such a relief being able to wake up but then roll over for another half hour in my warm bed instead of just laying there at stupid hours of the morning unable to shake the anxious feelings.

Discuss the options with your GP, if they think you would benefit from beta blockers then you might find they help.

Vanilla Sky
31-05-10, 21:47
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x