View Full Version : Finally plucked up the courage to join :/

Little miss worry
31-05-10, 22:57

Ok, i'm Lauren. Hello everybody :) im relieved to find a place where everyone understands. But i have been coming on here for weeks, and terrified to join cause i didnt want to accept that i really do have health anxiety. But its getting worse and begining to take over. The whole problem is cancer im terrified. I honestly constantly think i have it, in the pst ive thought i had bowel, ovarian, eye, brain tumour, cervical, and fear that its because its spreading. Recently we had an assembly on a friend of our teachers that contracted breast cancer at 26 and 2 doctors turned her away with pointless medicines. We were told she experienced things like back pain, and ever since ive been getting pains in my back, even as i sit here now. I keep finding bumps in my breast thinking there aching and showing my mum but she's saying its because i've recently gone on the pill and it is true theyre growing! but this could just be a coinsidence i cannot steer my mind away from that dreadful thought. i have a very vivid imagination and it doesnt help. a few years back my cousin dies suddenly of a brain heamorrage it scared me so much just randomly at 5 years old. When i was little i had a vivid dream that i had cancer and i remeber waking up hysterical crying. last year i started getting palpitaions, i told my mum and she said it was me being nervous, but eventually i persauded her to take my to the doctors he was also unsure, and referred me to the cardiac unit ta the hospital, i underwent 2 ecg's and a xray. These showed nothing but random ectopic beats with no explanation.. i sometimes htink maybe its because of cancer? i aslo travelled to new zealand and after the flight i had my first panic attack i was convinced i had deep vain thrombosis, hot, dizzy panicky couldnt breath, erratic heart it was truely awful, i was screaming to take me to a hospital. I get so scared. Im only sixteen and this is already taking over, im scare dthat thinking that i have cancer will make me get it. I have got better at searching things on the internet but i still worry like mad, i mainly dont search because im scared of what i may find. Im constantly checking my weight to see if i loose it due to as you can with cancer, im only little weighing just over 7 stone always been little my whole family are. But i feel sick and end up crying when ive lost wieght, i obsessively checking my breasts, my body. when i twist my upper body my chest makes a strange wheezing noise, all these thing just add up, i feel like im falling apart. I have ibs which makes life worse. I just want it to stop. my mum doesnt understand she thinks im being ridiculous,
Please and ideas would be so greatfully appreciated!
xxx Lauren xxx (Little miss worry) :wacko::weep:

31-05-10, 22:58
Hi Little miss worry

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes