View Full Version : Any one with circulation problems and MS fears

01-06-10, 04:20
I have raynauds. ( dodgy circulation) and have alway gotten white finger tips and toes when cold etc.
Recetnly my legs have gone bright red , with white and purple patches when I have a hot shower or bath. It goes away instantly when I elevate them. ( it hurts alot too)

But what I'm worried about is my righ hand and forearm. often go stone cold and very stiff, and weak, I lose sensation feelings, like touch. I also get like a fizzy pins and needles feely in the webb part between thumb and pointer finger.
I do get it on other limbs but very rarely and not to the same extent.

I have anxiety so I also have alot of dizziness, muscle weakness and muscle twitches.

I am worried these thing start to add up to something like MS I know everyone thinks that and its a common thread. But would like to hear from anyone who has raynauds or circulation issues to find out if thats the same for them.

01-06-10, 04:26
If its just a circulation issue , why does it only affect one limb? doesn't make sense does it. Oh I hate it scares the crap out of me!

01-06-10, 11:44
i have bad circulation which i put down to anxiety,hands and feet are always cold tingling etc...even on hot days,it can affect one hand in me too.

01-06-10, 13:24

I also suffer from Raynauds and have to wear gloves tec in the summer grrrrr. but it is mainly to do with the just the hands and feet.
It may abe worth asking the doc on their thoughts but it does sound like you have trapped a nerve or something i had that when i was working at comp all day.

Take Care and please don't worry
