View Full Version : More tests forecast - when will it stop?

01-06-10, 12:19
Here I go again - getting into the vicious circle of feeling ill, going to Doctor, getting more tests booked and working myself up into a frenzy about having the tests and getting the results.
Have been suffering on and off for past couple of years with pain under right rib and persistent belching. Went for a scan on Gall Bladder and a Gastroscopy 2 years ago - all came back clear! Seemed to go away but returned with avengence around Easter time (always happens on holiday - does anyone else always get ill on or before a holiday??). Finally plucked up the courage to go back to Doctors to get this sorted (he still suggests irritable bowel) but has agreed to send me for another abdominal scan and if that comes back clear - will send me for a Colonoscopy!!!! Am now panicking about both and have already played out the colonoscopy over and over in my head! Am also really scared that they may repeat the Gastroscopy as well althoug the doctor thinks it's not necessary. Trouble is, I know that if I don't have it again - the pain and belching will not go away; it is as if I have to put myself throught these tests, even if there is nothing wrong, for the problem to go away! Does anyone else have this problem - there must be a medical term for it!!! Maybe it's called Anxiety. I just can't believe that anxiety can cause such physical symptons?
If anyone has any advice to give either with regard to the symptons or tests or how to stop this anxiety, it would be really appreciated as I am driving myself mad. Am going away this weekend for my sister's 50th birthday bash and want to try to enjoy it without dwelling on my medical problems and forthcoming tests - HELP!!!:lac:

01-06-10, 12:47
I know how you feel. I am the same i seem like i dont settle until i get all the tests.I am not well at the minute with nausea,loose bowels,breathless,back pain etc and i have had bloods done which are ok.The doc is sending me for a chest x ray,endoscopy and an ultrasond abdominal scan but only for reassurance and not because he thinks there is anything wrong.I am like you and want to believe its anxiety as the physical pains and symptoms are real.I feel i am going insane.

01-06-10, 13:11
Does sound like you are in the same boat as me. It's reassuring to know that it's not just me feeling like this - thanks for your reply:)

01-06-10, 13:21
What are your symptoms? I was going to send you a private message but it wont let me.x

01-06-10, 14:23
Hi there

I have a niggling pain under my right rib which comes and goes and is usually worse soon after eating - more uncomfortable when I am sat down as well. I am also burping after eating and get heartburn and nausea. I cannot pinpoint any particular food that makes it worse - everything seems to affect it? Thought it might be an ulcer but the gastroscope showed not - mind you after two years of worrying it probably is now!!

01-06-10, 14:28
Mines all on my left. Nausea,loose bowels,no appetite,back pain,hip/groin pain,keep feeling breathless etc.Doc just thinks its all anxiety but i feel so ill.I cant wait to get my tests.x

01-06-10, 14:39
Ive had the exact same symtoms - pain under right rib - sometimes feels like my intestines are catching on each other - weird feeling!! Lots of belching - yuck!
I first started about 6 years ago with central abdo pain and moving under right rib - had course of ranitadine which helped - but it came back - sent for tests - had ultrasound and gastroscopy - both clear. This was back in the day before the health anxiety set in - I still get problems now but I dont tend to worry as I know I have had it such a long time and the tests were clear that I am OK - stress sets it off
I also have IBS for about 18 years so I think its related to that.
Deb x

01-06-10, 16:21
Thanks Deb

Your response was really helpful. How did they diagnose IBS - did you have a colonoscopy?

02-06-10, 15:02
No, my gp who i saw the first time all those years ago just said it was IBS - tbh I think he probably should have sent me for tests but I was only about 21 so maybe it was cos of my age. Anyway I have just put up with it all these years - I had a bit of a panic last year just thinking about it too much the 'what ifs' my gp said that he didnt need to send me for tests due to my clinical history which tells him what he needs to know. I understand this and that they dont always need tests. I was happy with this explanation and have just started taking apple cider vinegar tablets from Asda they seem to be helping
Deb x