View Full Version : heart

01-06-10, 12:34
Hi there im in such a worried state ,i havent slept all night ,a few days ago i had done another post regarding heart flutters and rlr kindly replied and put me at ease.But last night i was power walking on my treadmill like i do most days i had this horrible sensation come over my chest it lasted a second then happened again and lasted another second ,then i went in to a massive panic attack because i was so scared i was having heart attack .then the panic attack calmed down.I went to the doctor this morning to get it checked he said it was my overbreathing that caused the feelings in my chest ,i have chronic hyperventillation problems due to years of anxiety .He said i have had tests echo scan two years ago and ecg around a year ago so i shouldnt worry as its not my heart but i said how do you know my artiries arent blocked ,they have never been checked ,he said im to young ,im 35.He said women are protected against heart disease .but i suffer from severe stress surely this could cause a heart attack.As i have read in the papers the other day of a women aged 34 waking up in the night with a heart attack she survived but she said the doctors told her they didnt know why she had one as she didnt smoke or drink alchol or have heart disease in the family,they said it was stress probably.How can that happen .I have so much stress in my life.Now im to scared to go back on my treadmill as what if the chest feeling happens again.My doc is great and is always a great support to me but sometimes i think he dosent do any more tests as he dosent want to scare me.do you think it was my heart.My bp was152/82 when doc took it this morning but i was in a awful panic with my pulse high .please can anyone tell me if they have ever had chest sensations like a heavy squashing feeling especially when excersing i know that sounds mad but its hard to describe . kind regards molly

01-06-10, 13:30
has nobody had this ?

01-06-10, 13:41

Yes i have this before, when i get mine i also feel like im gonna faint and go all warm, doc has told me not to worry about it, he says its my heart skipping a beat..I have got this when i have been walking and resting, i have had it on and off for 6 years and i find i get it when im a bit worked up about something.

I often have a lot of othe chest sensations, pains and crushing feelings that come and go, so if it is of any ease to you mine do all come with anxiety and the moe i think about it the more it happens..

Stories are not good to read out of papers or online cause it just eliviates ur anxiety more, believe me i have had every symptom women have wrote about in magazines about heart attacks and have mysel,ff wound up about it, but when i dont think about them they go away..

Hope this helps a little

Michelle xxx

01-06-10, 13:45
hi thank you for your reply ,it wasnt a skipped beat as i get them all the time it was like somenoe was squeezing inside my chestor pushing it in it was very strange ,im more scared because i was on my treadmill when it happened.thank you again x

01-06-10, 14:08
Hi there im in such a worried state ,i havent slept all night ,a few days ago i had done another post regarding heart flutters and rlr kindly replied and put me at ease.But last night i was power walking on my treadmill like i do most days i had this horrible sensation come over my chest it lasted a second then happened again and lasted another second ,then i went in to a massive panic attack because i was so scared i was having heart attack .then the panic attack calmed down.I went to the doctor this morning to get it checked he said it was my overbreathing that caused the feelings in my chest ,i have chronic hyperventillation problems due to years of anxiety .He said i have had tests echo scan two years ago and ecg around a year ago so i shouldnt worry as its not my heart but i said how do you know my artiries arent blocked ,they have never been checked ,he said im to young ,im 35.He said women are protected against heart disease .but i suffer from severe stress surely this could cause a heart attack.As i have read in the papers the other day of a women aged 34 waking up in the night with a heart attack she survived but she said the doctors told her they didnt know why she had one as she didnt smoke or drink alchol or have heart disease in the family,they said it was stress probably.How can that happen .I have so much stress in my life.Now im to scared to go back on my treadmill as what if the chest feeling happens again.My doc is great and is always a great support to me but sometimes i think he dosent do any more tests as he dosent want to scare me.do you think it was my heart.My bp was152/82 when doc took it this morning but i was in a awful panic with my pulse high .please can anyone tell me if they have ever had chest sensations like a heavy squashing feeling especially when excersing i know that sounds mad but its hard to describe . kind regards molly
:hugs:try to calm dwn molly,you having a high stress level dosent mean you have a heart prob,and that in the paper may have scared you,but thats probly a 1 in a million accurance nothing to worry your head about.you excersising has probly yust brought an adrenaline rush on,and the feeling you described i think is similar to mine when im exgserted,a crushing feeling.i very often get a rapid puls,fast heart flutters,missed beats and a banging sensation,somtimes its painfull.try not to let the bad thoughts run away with you hun.hope iv helped a little.ellen.xx

01-06-10, 14:12
Hi Molly

Don't worry yourself too much I get squeezing sensations and pain in my chest all the time and my hearts a normal healthy heart! My anx first started when I got two muscle spasms in my chest that felt like someone was squeezing my heart and I called an ambulance cuz I thought I was having a heart attack. The doctor told me it was all muscular pain (spasms, tension etc) has been 3 months now and I still get squeezy tight pains all over my chest so is nothing to worry about as I'm still here! Is just tension and strained muscles I expect. Plus when you exercise, if your muscles are tired from being unknowingly tense all the time, they're gonna tense up more and be all ouchie. I just brave the exercise anyway and then when I'm cooled down the pain is gone and I feel great.

Hoped this helped a little bit! Take care xx

01-06-10, 14:17
thank you all for your replies,im so sick of being afraid .this has scared the life out of me.i can just about cope with the ectopics ,fluterrs fast heart but the chest pain i cant handle kind regards molly

01-06-10, 14:24
I was the same when my chest pain started. I'd lie in bed and cry for hours thinking I was about to drop dead. It takes a while to get our heads round the fact this chest pain is totally unrelated to our hearts and is just muscular pain similiar to that you'd get in your back after a hard days work. You will be fine Molly, it's scary at first I know beacuse of where they are, but if you stop focusing on it and relax more they become less and less til they vanish completely! xxx

01-06-10, 14:28
thank you again your reply is very much appricated xx

01-06-10, 17:31
molly17, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Just like you, I used to be absolutely terrified of heart flutters and I used to get the strange chest sensations, had difficulty breathing, etc.. Often, after experiencing heart flutters or as soon as I realised that something felt "off" with my chest, I would get a panic attack. I was literary terrified of elevating my heart rate because I thought that there was something wrong with it and that I would die. I was constantly trying to figure out if my pulse is too high or too low. Also, just like you, I went through a whole barrage of tests (blood work, multiple ECGs, Echos, Holter monitor, Treadmill test, Oxygen levels, etc.), all of which came back negative. I wasn't satisfied with this though and I asked my consulting cardiologist to do further tests. At that point, he looked me straight in the eyes and told me that he understood how I felt and that if I wanted to he would do the tests. He told me that if you look hard enough you will always find something that isn't quite right, with every single person. However, he said, the majority of any such findings have absolutely no impact on your daily life and are actually quite common. He stated that he felt confident that my heart was absolutely fine since all of the tests we did came back negative.

The point behind all of this is that you should live your life and try not to worry about the things which you cannot control. You went to be checked out by a doctor, none the less to one who seemed to want to help, (which I think is very important for people like us, who are worried about specific issues. It provides great reassurance) and were given the "all clear". You've experienced the flutters and panic attacks multiple times, but did anything ever happen? Yes you probably felt terrified but at the end of it you were OK. None of the horrible things that you imagined actually happened.

I know that this may be difficult to understand and may seem ridiculous. You may be thinking something like; "Well, if I actually FEEL all of these things, there MUST be something wrong!". The thing is.....your mind is simply reacting to the signal you are giving it. The stronger the signal, the stronger the reaction.

I believe that you can use your pest experience with heart flutters, terrible as it may be, to your advantage. After all, nothing happened before, so why would it this time? If I may suggest something; when you next experience a heart flutter, try to remain perfectly calm. Do all you can do to simply dismiss the event. Acknowledge the fact that it happened but don't think about it any more after that. I found this technique to be extremely helpful.

02-06-10, 11:59
thank you for your reply.I am going to see a breathing practitionar today to help with my overbreathing ,as i feel this is the root of all my problems.As a few years ago i got my breathing under control and i got better about 75% which was good enough at the time as i started to venture out of my house ,i even went back to work but it has slowly crept back and taken over my life once again kind regards molly