View Full Version : What are you all scared of?

Natalie x
01-06-10, 15:20
Hiya! Just thought I would start this thread to get an insight into what everyone is scared of with regards to their health and what you all do to stop thinking about it or distract yourselves? I worry about every single pain or ailment that I have and I worry that something bad will happen because I'm worrying! Does anyone else feel or have felt like this?

01-06-10, 15:25
i live every day like that and i hate it sooo much!!!! every bump or pain is gonna develop into cancer!!! i know im being irrational so i try and make my logical mind..as in the one that if my kids or a freind had similar symptoms id be quite rational and say dont worry its just....and mean it!! but when we have health anx we cant seem to do it for our own symptoms if you know wot i mean!!! oh to be normal eh? lol xxx

01-06-10, 15:52
heart is my main worry but when i think about it loss of control is the main worry,something beyond my control.

01-06-10, 15:58
Where do I start!!! Im not a worrier of my health as such, I suppose Id worry if I developed a lump or something like that and I do panic a bit if I get the dreaded palps. There are so many little things, if I know Im going out I worry but not sure about what. If Im having visitors I worry then too but not that bad that I put them off coming. Its just niggling little worries that scare me.
If I could just figure out what it is exactly thats bothering me Id be cured!
Take care all,

01-06-10, 16:11
With me, it appears to be the 'What if' syndrome.

What if it's cancer?

What if I'm ill when I'm out? Thereby preventing me from going out sometimes.

What if I throw up.........especially when out!

What if I collapse and no none finds me?

Before now, I have stayed on the PC all day, and I do mean all day, just to try and occupy my mind away from the symptoms.

I don't know what difference being ill in a public place makes as to being ill at home is concerned. I think its probably due to being embarressed.

There is endless proof that the worse thing to do is to dwell on our illness. Keeping the mind occupied is the key.

PC. TV. DVD. As well as many other things.

01-06-10, 16:19
Same here the what if syndrome with the lack of control and as previously said every symptom or sensation or pain might be something deadly.

I also have genuine medical complaints that mean I am in pain 24/7 and get intermittent attacks of vertigo and these combined with my health anxiety is the pits:huh:

jaded jean
01-06-10, 16:24
Hi all.
I make a point of telling everyone I know that I had a breakdown and get the 'heebie jeebies ' now and again. alot of friends work in the shops!!. But I certainly understand where you are coming from with the 'what ifs'
I seem to cope ok outside . I have been ill like this before and was agoraphobic. bad times... Now I dare not sleep during the day, in case I dont sleep at night and then I panic. then the 'thoughts' come.
Wonderful bit of machinery our bodies are, not to mention the brain!!

01-06-10, 16:34
Just to say that I did not have any health anxiety for nearly 4 years and then unfortunately my cat died 3 weeks ago and now my anxiety has now hit the roof.

My thoughts are I am going to die, i am going to have a fit or pass out or that I have a brain tumour and these thoughts constantly haunt me and I then worry like mad which then brings on the physical symptoms. I have been to see 3 different doctors in a week who all try and reassure me that there is nothing seriously wrong with me.

Natalie x
01-06-10, 16:48
Thank u for your replies. I too, did not have health anxiety until a few months ago after I was told I suffer from GAD. It's the same with me - the 'what if's' which has stopped me from doing a lot of things like going out for drinks, meals & socialising and just having a good time. I'm only 18 and I should be at my peak and out doing so many things that I would like to do, but lately it has just seemed impossible as every day there is a constant worry. It's good to know that others suffer from the same though and I'm not alone and I can relate to most of your posts. I'm currenly in the process of CBT which I am hoping will help in the long run x

01-06-10, 18:51
"What if its...?"
"I'll deal with it."

01-06-10, 18:55
biggest fear = brain cancer/neuro disease.

01-06-10, 19:07
i think the WHAT IFS are the core behind the anxiety,i once even thought what if i woke up one day and the whole world was in cartoon,bizarre i know ....but if your not really anxious about anything it shows your mind can cling to absolutely anything if youre a g.a.d sufferer like myself.

01-06-10, 19:16
I worry about worrying, if that makes any sense?

I worry that I'll never be able to stop worrying and therefore always have this problem and feel low. Vicious Circle really.

01-06-10, 20:19
Wow! Im not the only one who has these thoughts everyday! well last week month I was convinced I had leukemia, last week I thought I had cervical cancer and this week I believe I have symptoms of MS...I'm off to the doctor tomorrow to check this one out, my heart palpitations have started just by thinking about it.

I get scared if I have no health problem to worry about that I will miss something deadly...its truly a daily struggle & I can completely appreciate it how awful it can feel...i hope you get control of your anxieties & we all make the most of the time we have no mater what!

02-06-10, 10:26
My heart!! About 90% of my fears have to do with my heart. I will go as far as to MAKE UP heart diseases that don't exist and then think I have them

02-06-10, 13:43
I generally worry about blood clotts because I have the difficulty breathing thingy, but little pains and niggles really get me down for instance today I hace a cyst on my head which is extremely painful, I have had this before a couple of months ago it was easily cut out with no other worries or side effects yet I can't actually bring myself to make an appointment, I hate having health anxiety but am determined to get through it (and have my cyst removed) Good luck to you all

02-06-10, 15:30
The means by which I think I'm going to die change frequently, but my fear is dying young, dying befor I achieve anything, not getting what I perceive to be a 'fair shot' at life.

02-06-10, 16:33
I have a heart anxiety. :(