View Full Version : Anyone else scared to be alone

01-06-10, 16:34
I always thought I had two problems - the health anxiety which was triggered as a child by finding my grandmother ( who was acting as mother at time) when I was four and she had had a massive stroke and then died and then a seperate problem of being terrified of being alone because this was a serious threat all through my childhood but I have realised that quite a few poeple on here say they are frightened to be alone in case they are ill so I am thinking that maybe the fear of being alone is with the health anxiety.

Just wondered how mnay people on here also have a fear of being alone in case they are ill??

01-06-10, 16:37
Hi, Yes, I am frightened when alone in case I am ill, that is true for me.

minnie h
01-06-10, 17:18
yes i am scared to be alone 2,i sleep in my kids bedroom at nite time! : (

margaret jones
01-06-10, 19:23
Me to i cant say it was always the case but when anxiety/ panic are my nemisis then i prefer to have someone around me .xxxxxxxxxx


01-06-10, 22:30
Me too! I don't like being alone when I feel unwell or in a state of high anxiety just incase I need medical help. And I freak out if I'm not near my safe people or if I can't get to them or they can't get to me quickly! :( hate feeling like this! Feel like such a baby and I'm 27!!

01-06-10, 22:50
Because of my anxiety/panic disorder and tachycardia from the anxiety, I am afraid to be by myself in case I would need some help. It does make me feel like such a whimp. I am by myself quite a bit though - sometimes my boyfriend sleeps over, but most of the time he doesn't. My son is in his own apartment.

01-06-10, 23:57
I am petrified of being on my own. My boyfriend is my 'safe person', I feel most relaxed around him as he's been right by my side since my HA and Panic started. So even being around my mum or sister when he's not around still makes me feel so anxious at times but not as bad as being alone. I literally panic the second I'm left alone, which usually ends up with me calling someone to come over just incase I drop dead from a heart attack. My god, I sound like a weirdo LOL but it's true... :(

02-06-10, 00:14
Really really scared to be alone.
My husband died 3 years ago but I have my 3 sons living with me but I do worry what will happen when they leave as 2 of them are in there 20s now.
None of them have jobs at the moment and my eldest has socail phobia so does not go out that often but when they are out even if I am in the house alone a few hours am really scared.

If the 2 eldest ever are away for the night and I am alone with 12 year old no way would I go up to bed but would sleep in front room and not go to sleep till it got light.

I am scared of being really ill or at night that some one will break into the house

02-06-10, 00:36
I used to be absolutely terrified of being alone. I'm 19 years old and I slept in bed with my mum for about a month when all of this started because I was just terrified of something happening while I was alone in my room. My mum, my sister and my boyfriend are my safe people. I wouldn't go anywhere without them. I've come to a point in my recovery where I can sleep alone and go places alone without having mpanic attacks which is great, but I still absolutely hate being alone!