View Full Version : Premenstrual dysphoric disorder

01-06-10, 16:41
Anyone heard of this? suffer from this? been diagnosed with it?

Going home
01-06-10, 16:51
I think its meant to be a severe form of PMT both physically and mentally and if symptoms are so bad then doctors usually pescribe medication such as SSRIs. That's all I know about it really, and although I had alot of severe symptoms with PMT and again through menopause, ive never had any meds for this. The only meds i take now are for high bp.

Anna xxx :flowers:

06-07-10, 15:02
If this sounds like you, you might have a problem, PMDD or premenstrual dysphoric disorder. To learn more about PMDD - what it is, what it is, how it is, how it is diagnosed, which may cause, and how it can be treated successfully.PMDD PMS (SPM), which is so severe, it can be debilitating due to physical, mental or emotional symptoms. Treatment is recommended because of premenstrual dysphoric disorder interferes with the patient's ability to function in its social or professional life.

06-07-10, 15:04
i have severe pmt which is similar - i am on cipralex and have just been prescribed the pill too

10-08-10, 19:06

I am so glad you posted this! I have been reading some posts on here which mention SSRIs and until recently had no idea what they were. I know they are used to treat hormonal problems and have an appointment at the doctors to discuss changing from my current meds (Sertraline) to something that can help control what I suspect to be a long-lasting hormonal imbalance (particularly at certain times of the month). I feel this is more than just your average PMS and feeling emotional due to hormones. At the moment I am suffering really badly and it seems to be affecting the way I feel about everything and everyone... esp. my new boyfriend who until a week or so ago, I was smitten with!! Nothing has changed re him and things are going so well, and yet I feel so awful.... it came on so suddenly and I can't tell him!! :( I know certain feelings of anxiety have been triggered based on my past experiences and I'm struggling generally to get used to a brand new and scary situation..... but I feel hormones are the biggest factor just now.

I feel that hormones have been controlling my life since I was about 11 years old..... So I definitely sympathise with your problems! I hope you are getting a bit better? All the very best...

Erin x

10-08-10, 19:22

I am so glad you posted this! I have been reading some posts on here which mention SSRIs and until recently had no idea what they were. I know they are used to treat hormonal problems and have an appointment at the doctors to discuss changing from my current meds (Sertraline) to something that can help control what I suspect to be a long-lasting hormonal imbalance (particularly at certain times of the month). Erin x

Erin, sertraline is an SSRI, which is one of the meds prescribed for PMDD. SSRIs are a class of antidepressant, affecting the serotonin neuroreceptor.

I have very bad PMT, bordering on suicidal. The only thing I personally have found that works is the combined pill.


10-08-10, 20:29
Just read your post and had to reply.
I have suffered with PMDD since I was very young and was diagnosed with it. I got suicidal every month with it.
This website has helped me a lot http://www.pms.org.uk/
I started taking Citalopram for anxiety issues amongst others, and have found that it has helped the PMDD massively. I get down for about 3 days but not anywhere like what I used to. I just wish I had been on Citalopram years ago, because 2 weeks before I came on, and also for the first few days I was a nightmare.
Just thought would share this with you,
All the best

11-08-10, 21:51
Dalhia - Doh!! I didn't realise I was already on an SSRI... I thought they were something different. I've just had my dose increased and been prescribed beatablockers for the anxiety.
Poppy - That's good to know (well not good that you used to suffer so badly, but good that you have improved so much!) It's interesting to hear you say you used to suffer up to 2 weeks before your period and for the first few days... This seems to be the case with me this month which is kind of unusual for me.... It doesn't normally last quite so long!!!

I was on Citalopram for 11 years before changing to Sertraline. I also can't have the combined pill because the eostrogen levels affect my migraines very badly. But I'll check out the website you suggest. Thanks.

All the best to both of you,

Erin x

11-08-10, 21:56
Also, I've been told that contraceptives such as the coil / injection / implant can stop your periods completely?? Has anyone had experience of this? Does the PMS continue even if you aren't actually having periods?? As I know I can't have the combined pill, I'm looking at finding another option...

11-08-10, 22:07
Lol Erin, all these acronyms and different classes makes it all a bit bewildering!

My GP was hesitant to give me the progesterone only pill, as it can make depression worse in some people. It is the same hormone used in the injection/implant. It may stop your periods completely, or it can make them erratic (just come when they feel like it, although typically less often). It's horses for courses though, other women on here have had great success with the prog only pill, and not got on with the combined one.


Going home
11-08-10, 23:50
A little bit of everyone's experience here has been the same experience for me over the years. I'm very sensitive to progesterone either taken orally or in the uterine device called the Mirena coil. So this is similar to what Dahlia says, and to answer Erins last question, although the progesterone in the Mirena made my anxiety much worse it did reduce my periods right down to almost no bleeding...bliss! but had to give it up after 18 months because of the anxiety. Also, with betablockers, i'm on propranolol (inderal 80mg) and these have been pescribed for a combination of high BP and migraines which has helped both, but a bonus of it is that it also helps alot with anxiety symptoms...mainly for me the erratic heartbeats ive suffered with for many years and hardly get since taking these pills.

Hormones have alot to answer for :mad: having been through years of PMT, 4 pregnancies and the menopause a few years ago and anxiety got worse with them all.

Anna xxx :)

16-08-10, 19:08
Hi Dahlia - i am currently taking Effexor and dont feel its working for me at all -my anxiety is a lot worse - also the PMT and anxiety seem to last 2 wks out of the month so this thread caught my eye! How did you feel on effexor???