View Full Version : cervical cancer worries

01-06-10, 18:56
I've been anxiety free for a few months now but it's back yet again. I'm feeling really anxious right now and can't breathe. My current worry is cervical cancer. I've had sex with two different guys 2 years ago and I'm only 20. I'm so disgusted in what I've done, but I can't turn back time. Both wore condoms, though I know that HPV can be transmitted with or w/o a condom. One of the guys was a virgin and the other only had sex with an ex-girlfriend. For the past few days I've had this itchy feeling near my cervix and a dull pain. I don't know if this has anything to do with my period which is supposed to start tomorrow.

The easiest thing I could do is go and get a pap smear done but my parents are very anti-doctor. I've never even been to a gyno before. It's also difficult talking to my mom about this sort of stuff.

I'm scared. I feel like this is either an irrational fear or I should get myself checked out. I also feel like this might cause me to always want to go to the doctors for every little problem I have - that would mean a lot of appointments.

Please help? :(

02-06-10, 01:22
The doctors wont give you a test more than likely anyway. You are too young. If you had sex with two guys two years ago and both wore condoms and you do not have any foul smelling discharge or severe abdominal pains, I really think your fears are irrational. I have done far worse for far longer.... I have even had borderline smears from HPV and theyve returned to normal. HPV is present within 95% of people at some point in their life. Do not turn your world upside down in fear. You will get a routine smear test when you are at the right age and called in. If it makes you feel any better, even if you had HPV, it takes about 20 years untreated to turn into cancer... maybe this tickling sensation is a water infection, because believe me, you can feel your bladder sensation far easier than you can feel your cervical sensations... i mean, when i have my smears they stick all manner of things up there and prod about, and you cant even feel it... so i would suggest that the tickling sensation you refer to IS NOT cancer my friend... if it was youd feel a sight more than tickling. x

02-06-10, 09:53
cin1 is not cancer... it can be caused by infection... so that is not accurate so dont panic when you read it. x

02-06-10, 09:54
if you need more info.. pm me x

02-06-10, 09:58
Hey huni,
You should just go to the doc if you are concerned.
I would doubt that it would be cervical cancer BUT none the less best to get checked out.
Things may be different in all places in the world but here in Aus I have been told that if you are sexually active then you should be getting pap smears, not waiting for a 'certain age'. it is only when you have NOT had sex that perhaps it is OK to wait till a 'certain age' (don't know what that age is).

You may have a yeast infection (thrush) which can be itchy and painful but is easily cleared up with antibiotics and some cream.

As for HPV it is very common for a women to have it at least once in her life and most women do not even know they have it as it may occur the year in b/w having a pap smear and be gone by the next time you have it.

Boos Mum
02-06-10, 10:04
cin1 is not cancer... it can be caused by infection... so that is not accurate so dont panic when you read it. x

nevermind, I won't help next time

02-06-10, 13:56
My health anxiety started last year after I had to have treatment following cin2 I am due to have my follow up pap on Friday, if you are worried you should go to the doc as once caught early it is easily treated but I do think you should try not to be concerned as you used condoms and you only had sex with 2 people 2 years ago and 1 was a virgin. Honestly I was extemley anxious when all this started for me but after I have had the treatment and spoke to some professionals I am not at all worried about my pap on Fiday and if something does come up well I'll just have the treatment again, not the most pleasant thing I've ever done but well worth it. I do hope this helps you

03-06-10, 02:57
Thanks for the replies everyone. All were very helpful and i feel a bit better. Could it be possible that the pain/itch is probably just my period? sound logical/illogical? idk. I'm trying to just let this go but somehow rationalize it.

24-06-10, 08:01
It sounds like you are worried, once you just let it be and stop thinking about it it may go away, i know that I to was really worried about the same thing over itchyness and pain, and thought the same thing, i have low grade cells though that is why i thought the same thing cervical cancer for sure. Went to the Drs he said no them symptoms would not be cervical cancer at all. he put my mind at ease and sure and be hold it all went away. Try it and see, just let it all go and relax, and see what happens give it a few days to see where it all ends up to.

Hope all is going to be ok!!


24-06-10, 08:40
I have had CIN1, which is abnormal cells, which may or may not lead to cancer. Let me tell you the symptoms I had: Breakthrough bleeding at times other than my period, and bleeding after sex. I did not have itching or pain.

Itching-wise, you could have something very minor like thrush, if you have a discharge too. The pain could be your period or ovulation.

Using condoms is pretty good protection against HPV (the virus that causes cervical cancer). You have done everything possible to protect yourself, so please don't beat yourself up about it.

To put your mind at rest, maybe have a smear test. In the UK, this is carried out by a nurse in the GP's surgery - I don't know if this is the case in the US.
