View Full Version : What is a typical day for you?

01-06-10, 21:30
My alarm clock goes off 6.45am weekdays.Open my eyes ,take a few deep breaths and get out of bed. Its then that I feel I have to face another day on my feet and hoping I will feel fine today.
See hubby off to work, busy myself with a few jobs and walking dog and then that mid morning anxiety usually starts so the struggle begins to fight off the thoughts.
Lunchtime arrives and I start panicking about what I can eat that wont affect my nervous stomach. I watch tv for half an hour and then struggle through rest of afternoon with wandering thoughts. Evening arrives and im not alone and somehow things feel better.

jaded jean
01-06-10, 21:47
Zee .
You are not alone.
I have started waking up at 4.30am on the dot for the past 5 days. I get up use bathroom get back into bed and I just lie there thinking , trying to focus untl I get really ticked off at the fact I cannot get back to sleep. I try the deep breathing, I get a little relief from it. I cant take the dog out . well not cant -the last time I did I had a panic attack and I was trying to drag this 9 stone dog home -not easy!! I get up put the tv on. we recently got HD and it does my head in. My husband has fixed surround sound to it and I am climbing the walls by 7.oopm I survive the day like you trying to busy myself, Little jobs around the house, I am in the process of going back to work , just waiting for loose ends to be tied up. I get days when I just cant eat as food repulses me. and other days I eat normally. but I seem to be drinking less.

02-06-10, 08:20
Thankfully Jean I dont usually have disturbed sleep which does help but if I wake before the alarm clock I am immediately in an anxious state feeling hot and a bit shakey. Ive also found through all of this that the tv and sudden noises really irritate me.
Today I woke in a cold sweat and just had to push myself to carry on as normal. I am determined to beat this.I just have to keep reminding myself that this bout of HA started from an incident of indigestion couple months ago and just escalated before I had time to stop it..all this after an absence of HA for 10 years.