View Full Version : Irregular pigmentation "down there" after child birth. FREAKING out! :(

lil casper
01-06-10, 21:34
Hi Everyone,
My anxiety is in full swing at the moment. I just came back from my OB/GYN after my family Dr saw an irregular pigmentation area around my urethra at my 6 week post natal check. I saw the GYN that same day and he didn't see it but today he did. I had my first baby in Jan and she came VERY quickly. Had her about 1 hour after I got to the hospital, fully dilated! Needless to say, I tore when she came out and had to have stiches. I now have to go see an urologist to have the area biopsied and I am FREAKING out! I am still dealing with this weird breast dimple and now this? Has any moms out there had to deal with this? Please calm me down....

02-06-10, 15:08
Hi, First of all Im jealous your labour was so short. Mine was 36 hours. Ouch. I tore aswell and pigmentation does occur in some people around a scar. I do have pigmentation around most of my scars so Im sure down there would have to be the same. Your body would have to be still adjusting from all the hormones etc. Im sure it will all be fine. Try not to worry and enjoy your motherhood. Easy said than done I know. My son is 2 and a half and Im still suffering health anxiety. :hugs:

lil casper
02-06-10, 19:19
Thanks for your reply,
I have yet to get a phone call from the urologist to set up the appt. I am taking that as a good sign that it isn't urgent. I am not sure if it is related to a scar, apparently the spot is near the opening to my urethra. I can't see it, nor is there any tenderness or itchiness. The GYN did say to me that if he thought it was melanoma he would tell me. So I keep thinking of that to call me down, but occasionally the bad thoughts creep in...It is so tiring...*sigh*