View Full Version : Went back to work today

01-06-10, 22:44
Went back to work today - I will be part-time for two weeks and then back to full-time. I was pretty anxious, but I did get through it.
After work, I was actually hungry (I have lost 20 pounds through all of this), so ate a more than I usually do. I always can feel my pulse get a little fast after I eat (tachycardia has had me in the ER a few times with a very fast pulse up to 160) and I thought I was dealing better with that whole thing - distracting myself, reminding myself that all my EKG's were normal, just too fast because I was panicking. All of a sudden my pulse shot up - thought I would end up in the ER again - so got in the car and drove down by the hospital and kept telling myself to take some deep breaths, that my heart was healthy and normal - took me awhile, but with the distraction of driving and doing some deep breathing, it came back down some. So came home. on one hand, I didn't sleep well last night because I was worried about work, and then the stress of work, but I tell you, when that heart kicks into high gear, I swear there must be something wrong because I don't know that I am kicking in the extra adrenaline. Kind of disappointing, but I guess I should be proud that I did get to work and I did calm myself down and brought my pulse back down.

01-06-10, 22:50
Hi, It sounds like you did really great and should be proud of your achievement, I hope you continue to do well at your work.

01-06-10, 22:53
You SHOULD be proud - you are a hero, you coped, knew "how to handle" yourself and you calmed yourself and brought your pulse back down.
My pulse always gets faster (and noisier) after I eat. I am sure your blood pressure drops after you eat as the blood rushes to your intestines to digest your food so maybe that makes your heart rate go up - dont know will have to check.
Well done for today x

02-06-10, 02:07

02-06-10, 06:00
Hiya. Well done Jo for getting back to work. Take care

02-06-10, 07:02
Hi Jo,

Well done for getting yourself back to work...knew you would be fine...may it continue.

Take care

02-06-10, 12:18
Well done for going back to work. Its great news that you managed to eat more aswell.
As far as getting in your car and going into hospital, you should feel good that you managed to calm yourself down and not actually go in. You did well!