View Full Version : at the end

01-06-10, 23:52
i just came on here for a cach up on things and just have felt my self writing this i seem to have reaxhed a pointin my exsitance where i cant see my self going any further its like a menatl blokage and i cant seem to controll anything im servelay aggitaed and get annoyed at anything even my partner bloiwng his nose i mean wtf hes just blowin ghes nose riht but no for me its like he pushing me to scream at him to shut up and im increasingly parinoide about camres being in my house and im not sure what to do iv hade cronic headaches foe 4 weeks now and im finding it har d to make thor a simple task or changing nappie i feel so depreatly down and sad and i have constante nightmears about bad thigs happing that im waking up and crying im already on max doses of the meds im on and i cant go on much longer feeling like this like a complushion to end it all is the only way my sh is out of contorll an di cant turn to any one incase they steryoptype me and i think that there al out to gt me im just at a point where thee is no end to this

02-06-10, 00:42
Hello. It sounds like you're having a really tough time. I'm sending some :hugs: :hugs: your way.

You haven't always felt this way. You won't always feel this bad, trust me.

Do confide in people about the way you are feeling. Whether it's your GP, a counsellor, someone on the end of a phoneline, a trusted friend or family member. It can be worrying telling people that you've been feeling suicidal but the very fact that you are worried by your suicidal feelings says that you don't want to do it, you just feel short of options and coping ability.

You're at a low. See it as a low. A dip that you will come out of. You're hitting rock bottom. When you get to the point that suicide seems like a solution, you can let go of some of the smaller worries in life. Don't be afraid to ask others for help in the short term. You must be exhausted. Turn on the TV, watch some mindless rubbish, and try to get some rest, sleep if you can. Don't try to take on any tasks. Let other people do them for a while. You are ill. Put yourself first. Try to stop worrying about how ill you are, that won't help you to feel better, you'll just get more stressed and upset. I've not had paranoid thoughts like you describe but I have had all the rest and it is horrible and it does seem like it will never end but with time and rest and a proper break, your body and mind will start to repair. Please do confide in someone how you feel. If you don't feel able to talk to someone you know at the moment, phone the Samaritans.

02-06-10, 10:55
Sorry you are having such a hard time hopers. I don't have any advice, just a hug (((((((((hopers))))))))) Baggs xxxxxxx

02-06-10, 10:57
Hi Hopers,
Been there where there doesn't seem much point to it all, but you can pull out, you never know what's around the corner so keep going. It's pretty damn tough on days when you feel so hopeless, I know. Sorry to hear you've hit this low mate, let us know how it goes and better days for you.