View Full Version : Propranolol - habit-forming?

07-02-06, 22:11
I've just picked up a prescription today of Propranolol Hydrochloride (and even taught myself how to say it!). This is my first prescription for my anxiety, and the Dr. prescribed it on the basis that I could take one tablet as and when I needed to, as they worked in approximately 30 minutes and did not need to be taken all the time. I've read through a lot of past posts here and am happy to take them, given the info provided by Meg and others on side effects vs. possible gains and so on, but when I got my prescription I noticed that the label said "Take one twice a day. Do not discontinue without first telling your Dr", which leads me to suspect that, despite what my Dr. said about only having to take one or two a day when I needed them, the medication may be habit-forming?

I am going to phone the Dr. tomorrow to clarify, and report the mis-match in information, as I really don't want to be taking something every day, when I will rarely need to take anything at all. But I thought I would post here also to ask if anyone knew who was right - my Dr, or the chemist?

Leah xx

--- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

07-02-06, 22:17
p.s. the beta blockers were prescribed to help me attend my aunt's wedding in March and get moved into my new house without too many panicky hiccups. The Dr. thinks I will probably never have to take one, given that I haven't ever had to have medication before, but "they are there if I do"! This is why I am reluctant to take an "every day" medication, really.

--- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

07-02-06, 22:20
No, its not habit forming at all but for blood pressure purposes (which is it s primary indication) it needs to be taken regularly.

The chemist dishing out the label will stick that on every prescription regardless of whether its for anxiety or BP


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

07-02-06, 22:28
Aha, thank-you Meg, that is much clearer! I also read somewhere the other day that beta blockers are indicated in migraine patients whose primary trigger is stress, and I also suffer with migraines, so am hoping I can kill two birds with one stone! :)

Leah xx

--- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

11-02-06, 12:04
hi ya i tack these tablets and i find them so helpfull, i tack 2 when ever i feel wobbaly or feel myself getting more anxiety had a few side affcts but they obly lasted a few days.

amanda x