View Full Version : Irrational thoughts...

02-06-10, 10:08
It's annoying, yesterday I found myself suddenly thinking that for some reason some kind of chemical or soap or something had got into my tea. It was probably from too much honey, which made it taste a little perfumey. But I convinced myself my throat was stingy. Maybe from swallowing a lot.

So today I made sure all my spoons were totally clean, had to convince myself that my honey was okay, cleaned my cup with a new sponge, rinsed everything properly, rinsed the kettle, still not sure about the kettle... even though I know realistically that it's very unlikely anything has got into the kettle, or on my spoon or in my drink in my cup. For some reason the thought is still there bugging me. We put some drain unblocker down the kitchen sink, which we've done loads of times, and it was nowhere near any of my stuff, but I think it's what set off these thoughts.

02-06-10, 10:25

I can sympathise with these type of thoughts also. I have these types of thoughts all the time as well as the intrusive thoughts. Sadly it means that my mind is always racing and thinking!!! In a few days this will pass


02-06-10, 10:47
It is very distressing when your mind and thoughts take control over you, isn't it? One simple thought can lead to a flood of worrying. This can be overwhelming.

Can I ask, what was your thought pattern when you realised that your tea didn't taste right? As you said in your post, the drain unblocker was not near any of your stuff. How did you rationalise the fact that maybe some other chemical may have been involved?

02-06-10, 11:02
Thanks for the replies - to be honest, nomore, I'm not very sure... it is why this is so frustrating. I can't think what else could be in there, but my brain is still convinced. We don't use any other things, the drain unblocker was far away and didn't splash or anything. The only other things out are hand wash and washing up liquid, and they aren't in there.

02-06-10, 13:18
I completely understand this as do I understand the fact that you aren't sure how you came to that idea primarily. Half of the time my thoughts are so fast that I don't catch it all or I can't remember what led up to it! Its so very odd!

24-08-10, 23:35
This has been my latest symptom..

Since my anxiety has got worse I've had horrible thoughts and been really snappy and moody. I already had many fears of going mad but I'm really worried I'll just snap..:blush:

24-06-11, 16:19
read my post under ocd section `contamination and harming fears`.
this may help
also i have been taught by my therapist to treat the thoughts-wel i try to-as a passing cloud and dont hold onto them and they wil disappear.
easy for them to say a!