View Full Version : wait or go up?

02-06-10, 11:13
I was going to go up to a&e today as i feel awful but the hospital have just phoned with my appointments and i have my endoscopy on monday morning and my chest x ray on monday afternoon. So do you think i should just wait for these on monday because if i go up i dont think they will do anything when they know i have them booked will they? x

02-06-10, 11:40
A & e can't refuse to see you if you need to go, what's wrong?

02-06-10, 11:43
I agree they won't refuse to see you, they will check you over & if they can't find anything then will recommend waiting for your appointments on Monday, hope you feel better soon x

02-06-10, 11:43
I have a pain in my back on left,nausea,loose bowels,no appetite,feel like i cant breath,feels sore to touch near my left ovary,fatigue and generally feel awful. I have had my bloods done and they were ok,doc has listened to my chest and checked my blood oxygen levels and blood pressure and they are fine.Dont know what else they would do if i went up!!!

02-06-10, 12:02
If your feeling really bad Hun then just reassurance can make you feel better, hope you feel better soon.

02-06-10, 12:40
I feel a bit silly going up when i have these appointments on monday. I feel like there is something going on with my lungs and i have a chest x ray on monday.

i love tea
02-06-10, 13:07
Hi Zippy, I'm sorry you're feeling so bad at the mo...

I just wanted to share what I know about A&E, though, so it might help you to decide.

My mum has been an emergency admission to hospital several times with acute pancreatitis. At those times she was in severe pain and vomiting badly. She would have to wait until a bed on a ward was available, and then they would get the pain and sickness under control. However, even being admitted in such a state, she would still have to wait a few days for scans etc. to be done.

My sister was also an A&E nurse. From what I know about these things, unless you cannot control your pain or sickness, I think you'd probably be better to wait until your appointments on Monday.

Hope this helps. Take care :hugs:

02-06-10, 15:31
Ok i will just wait i suppose.I wouldnt go now anyway because there has been a gunman killing spree where i live so a&e will be busy.

02-06-10, 15:36
can i just say that if you have time to consider going to Accident and Emergency then its clearly not an accident or emergency so see your gp or go to your urgent care centre. I understand people think things will be done quicker that way but unfortunately its a national health service and we have to wait for things. If you were willing to pay privately then they would see you tommorow, maybe you should try that route. I hope i havent come across rude its just that i work in the NHS and i am fully aware of the strains.

02-06-10, 15:45
I did see my gp on friday and he tried to reassure me there wasnt anything serious wrong but when you feel so ill and have anxiety its easier said than done. I dont want to go to a&e but when you get frightening symptoms and think there is something serious going on your natural instinct is go to hospital.

02-06-10, 15:54
I understand but your GP could reassure you just the same! anyway i hope it works out for you.

02-06-10, 15:57
I know he has already tried to saying my bloods are ok etc but it doesnt reassure me for some reason.x

02-06-10, 16:11
Thats because you dont want to believe it....On monday when you have all these tests done and they come back fine i can guarantee you will find something else to be scared about. The reason you are doing this is because you are so scared of having an illness that you want to think about it all the time. Think about it, if a doctor doesnt know what their doing then their is a hell of a lot of people in this world that would be dead right now so then their all screwed! I understand this is so hard believe me but you cant let your head rule your body in these circumstances. When you actually are on your death bed all you will think back to is all the time you spent worrying about being their, not the best set of memories. Even if you were to have a heart attack in 5 minutes.....their is nothing you can do about it! we all have to take each day as it comes and hope for the best

02-06-10, 17:27
I know what you mean about not believing and i have been like this before last year but i really feel different this time.I feel like everything is just put down to anxiety. I have 2 small kids and i dont want to feel like this and i know my life is passing me by but i do genuinely feel ill.x

02-06-10, 18:00
well then hun you need to see the doctor and explain to them that you feel as though everything is pt down to anxiety. They may take a different perspective. good luck

02-06-10, 18:09
ok i will but i dont think they can do anymore than what i am waiting for,chest x ray,endoscopy and ultrasound scan and thats only because they know i am anxious not because they think anything is wrong.