View Full Version : Strange feeling in head. Need reassurance!

Natalie x
02-06-10, 11:42
HI. I'm going out of my mind becuase I just started to gett this weird sensation in my head. It feels like it's cold or something is running in my head if that makes sense?! Has anyone ever had this before? I really hope it's nothing to worry about. Please reply!

02-06-10, 23:46
I can't say i've had that particular feeling but i do get alot of strange sensations/feelings in my head. I suffer with it on a daily basis and know that its part of my anxiety. Sorry i can't give you any real reassurance other than your not the only one who has strange feeling/sensations in your head x x

03-06-10, 03:35
hi! i used to and sometimes still have anxiety over illnesses associated with the head/brain. one of the weird anxiety-caused symptoms that i had was a cold chill in my head in certain areas just as you described. it went away once i stopped worrying over my head. it could also be sinuses or liquid in the ear.

the more you focus on your fears, the worse the symptoms will appear. no worries :)

03-06-10, 10:46
Hey right is it anything like this . . When im falling asleep or I can even be in a dream, I get this sensation in my head. . Its almost like cold how you said but kind heavy like a sinking feeling, its like my heads going to goo. . I have to wake myself up. Its so weird its sometimes as if im aware of my brain shutting off to go to sleep :s x