View Full Version : seen doctor about headaches but still unsure....

02-06-10, 14:19

Mage it to doctors yesterday told him all my symptoms and had a complete breakdown. He checked for a tumour in my head and said my BP and the back of my eyes looked completely fine. As i get headaches all the time he suggested one of my propranolol every noght before bed to treat the headaches.

I'm a bit unsure. Usually when i've seen the doctor i feel great for a few days at least, yesterday lasted a few hours. Now i know that its unlikely to be a tumour but as i get different feelings in my head all the time its difficult to focus on that.

At my CBT group last night it felt like someone was poking their finger in the back left of my head for about a minute which lead to me losing control inside and seriously considering calling an ambulance. I calmed myself down but ever since have been feeling nervous.

I woke up AGAIN with a kind of fuzzy buzzy head and keep getting almost mini throbs along the left side of my head. I suffer from floaters as well and sometimes my scalp feels very tender and sore along the left. At other times its like the hairs along my forehead are irritated and when touched cause pain.

Any feedback would be greatly appriciated........

02-06-10, 16:36
Hi there
I was just about to post a thread about my headaches, but will reply to this instead, although my symptoms are a bit different.

I have had headaches now almost every dayfor 6 weeks. They seem to move around from my left side, to top of my head and also a general ache, but don't throb. They are still there during the night and don't seem to be tension/stress headaches as relaxation doesn't seem to help.

My GP has done several blood-tests to rule out thyroid, diabetes etc etc. Before referring me to a neurologist, she did one final blood test to rule out inflammation of the temporal artery, which came back negative. Apparently this causes pain in the temple on one side and your scalp can be tender when you comb your hair (mine isn't). If you google this, it mainly occurs in people over 55ish.

As the pain isn't really bad just now, she just told me to take paracetamol or ibuprofen. No mention of any other medication, although I have read that you can get rebound headaches if you take too much stronger meds.

I have to wait 7 weeks for an 'urgent' appointment with a neurologist, which seems a long time to me. Obviously I won't get a scan until after this.
Of course, I can't help worrying that it is a tumour, which is really depressing.

Has anyone else had continous headaches and any ideas on the cause of them???

Thanks guys........ xx

sarah jayne
02-06-10, 18:01
Hi i had a constant headache for 7 months, i really thought i was going to die and that something terrible was happening to me, i posted loads on here begging for help and went to my doctors everyday. Well im still here lol, the headaches have eased off, i still get them but not constant like i used to. I used to wake up with it and go to bed with it. Have you tried rubbing tiger balm onto your temples ? Thats the only thing that worked for me, i tried loads of medications but they all made it worse.
Hope you feel better soon and if you ever need a chat then pm me.
Sarah x

02-06-10, 19:59
Thanks Sarah Jayne - that is reassuring to know someone else has had a similar thing. Will try the Tiger Balm!
J x

03-06-10, 13:05
I had headaches every day for 6 months last year. Plus the anxiety used to kick in and I would feel dizzy and sick but my mind would of course link the dizziness and headaches to tumour! Eventually I went to a massage therapist / spinal therapist for a massage. I would get about a weeks relief after going so I knew then that it was tension related. After the third session she checked my spine and found two vertebrae out in my neck which pulled the muscles out of place causing pain in strange places. She corrected that and I haven't had a headache since. So please try and find a good massage therapist or spinal therapist and see will that give you relief. For me it was well worth the £200 I spent.