View Full Version : Hello and thanks..

Fighting back
02-06-10, 14:48
Hi there,

First of all I would just like to say a big thanks for the admins behind this site. Over the past six months (yes I have lurked for that long) this site has brought me enormous comfort.

About me - im 26 (nearly 27) have a good job and great family. About 18 months ago the wheels started coming off (although I didnt realise at the time) and I made myself ill with anxiety related symptoms. Looking back I was trying to do too many things at once and clearly overloaded my nervous system as I began to have severe stomach pains and nausea... Other symptoms including hot flashes and legs that ached so much or random pains in various parts of my body! With some internet searching I convinced myself I had a cancer. Im sure people on here can relate to the cycle which then followed.

I took action about two months ago - the specialist I was seeing at the time basically sat me down and said there was no medical explanation for the symptoms and that the problem could only be resolved by me. At first I didnt believe him - in fact even now a part of me still thinks he missed something.

Im far from 100% - I still get IBS type symptoms and the fatigue is pretty difficult to deal with sometimes. But I found help with a local counselling service I see once a week and I have literally put my life under a microscope to try and change some elements that were making me ill such as not been able to have honest conversations, should/must thinking and not taking time out to relax.

Anyone out there at the minute that is in the midst of this please please remember that there is help out there and although im not fully better yet things do improve once you wake up and smell the coffee.

Your body is a highly complex machine - with limited energy reserves and you need to look after it.

Anyway, thanks for such a great resource - I do intend to further contribute and make a donation to help continue the operation of such an excellent resource.

Thanks for reading.

02-06-10, 14:52
Hi Fighting back

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Vanilla Sky
02-06-10, 21:37
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x