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View Full Version : late morning giddiness

02-06-10, 16:18
i have had this for ages.

i usually have bran flakes with milk for breakfast at about 8.15am.

by 10.30am im usually so hungry i feel a little faint, dizzy and sometimes have the shakes. it frightens me.

i usually then have a cereal bar or something similar as im convinced i 'need' food.

anyone else get this and if so do you know why?

02-06-10, 16:39
yes i get it ,,,dont know why but i do know ost people with axiety get this not nice

margaret jones
02-06-10, 17:20
It is probably a low blood sugar the diet people recommend that you have more protien at breakfast that is supposed to keep your blood sugars more even .

I get it every so often but cant really put it down to any particular reason , so like you i have a snack / drink and it usually passes

It is scary i agree
Take Care Maggie

02-06-10, 20:53
I also get this but just the shakiness,irritability and I feel anxious with it. I was told it was low blood sugar.

Going home
02-06-10, 21:03
Yes sounds like low blood sugar to me too. But I also think that with me, my meds reach a peak around late morning too (I take propranolol which can interfere with insulin levels so im told)) which doesn't help. I feel a bit lifeless and trembly for about half an hour and then it seems to pass off and doesn't come back for the rest of the day...very odd.

Anna xxx

02-06-10, 21:27
glad im not the only one! though i feel for you who get it as i know how scary it feels.

so whats the best thing to eat if you suffer from low blood sugar and does this need to be diagnoised by a doctor?

02-06-10, 21:52
Try some fruit - bananas are excellent for this.

Or - a handful of dried fruit and nuts

Going home
02-06-10, 22:59
Yes nic is right, we do have to be careful not to just stuff ourselves with the wrong things. I agree with margaret about the protein breakfast being the best as it does tend to release energy more slowly and doesn't add to the dips in blood sugar like carbs might do. I eat a bowl of fruit filled mini shredded wheats most mornings which, although is better than alot of breakfast cereal, being carbs it prob doesn't help really. As for diagnosis, alot of doctors tend not recognise low blood sugar as a condition, even though it has a name...hypoglycaemia...but some are sympathetic to it. However, its always worth asking for a test, since low blood sugar can be a symptom of diabetes and once this is ruled out then its just getting the balance right with diet to stop the spacy, trembly feelings happening so much.

Anna xx

03-06-10, 08:47
thanks anna, very helpful xx

03-06-10, 17:46
I started getting this when I was around 17 (almost 29 now) I find that sometimes if you drink coffee in the morning it can add to the problem. I ALWAYS have to have coffee with food to avoid the shakiness. My doctor told me it was just low blood sugar and to eat smaller more frequent meals through the day. I find that some fruit (like an apple), peanut butter, and a glass of fruit juice all seem to work well when that horrible feeling comes on - within 10 minutes everything is all well and good again! Hope you find something that works for you, I know how horrible that feeling is.

03-06-10, 18:09
Orange juice is fantastic! works very quickly