View Full Version : I Went PYSCHO.

02-06-10, 18:50
Jesus CHRIST! :wacko:

I had the most strangest 'panic attack?' earlier, i mean it don't get worse than this. This is what happened - I was just watching television and suddenly every in the room was too bright for my eyes, so i had to put the covers over my head, then i started feeling in 'motion' like motion sickness. And all my senses went out the roof, every time i retreated from the covers to gaze out the room was in such high detail. And my brain felt as if was spinning around my head really fast, and my boyfriend was shouting at me because i wouldn't talk to him and i accidentley punched him. ( didnt mean to but he was making things worse) Now i just feel like my head is dry and my eyes hurt. When it happened i could breathe fine and everything i did get a bit panicky because it scared me, ive been drinking water all day and i havn't been in the sun but have had fresh air.

Any ideas what it could of been or why i felt this way? :weep:

please reply.

Going home
02-06-10, 21:24
It sounds just like a panic attack and sometimes there's no reason why, they just happen.

Anna xxx