View Full Version : Feel the fear, and DO IT anyway!

02-06-10, 22:26
I just wanted to share an achievement :blush:

Today has been nothing but extreme anxiety and panic attacks. I was due to have dinner with my boyfriends parents - for the first time - today and also have a maths lesson with his dad afterwards.

Up until 5.30pm I was sure as hell I wasn't going to go. But at 6pm, I went; feeling faint, sick, shaking, sweating, near crying... I think it was the thought of letting them down that made me go. It meant so much to them.

It was worth it. Nothing bad happened and the anxiety symptoms subsided as the evening went on. Of course, now I am totally exhausted and emotional but this is a huge step... I think?

Maybe there is hope after-all? :yesyes:

02-06-10, 22:31
Well done you !

by facing the fear and pushing through, your brain is learning that there is nothing to be affraid of.

02-06-10, 23:52
yay well done you :-) I always find anxiety can make feel really tired afterwards, even if it's been a good day, I think all the emotions you go through just leave you feeling some what exhausted!

03-06-10, 06:45
There is hope! Well done on taking that step and finding that things aren't as bad as we make them out to be in our confused, busy heads when the anxiety takes over and wants to spoil our fun.

The exhaustion you felt after fighting against the anxiety like that shows it took a lot but you did it. I've been anxious about doing even simple things, putting them off as being too difficult then realising it only took a couple of minutes to get done. Yours was a bigger achievement and glad you enjoyed the dinner with the in laws :D

jude uk
03-06-10, 14:15
well done:D
The difficult thing is facing the fear and doing it and your right nothing bad will happen. I am so pleased for you

03-06-10, 14:26
Well done! It's a great a achievement and hopefully one of many more to come. Hopefully this event turning out well will make you feel more confident for the next.

I am facing one of my fearfull situations on Saturday and after having what felt like a break down on Tuesday I am feeling better today but just hope I don't go down hill again on Saturday.

I hope one day we will all live without the fear instead of having to constantly work ourselves up to face it.

The aftermath is exhausting but you got through it and you had a good time, so it was worth it.

I hope all goes well.

03-06-10, 14:32
Well done and you've certainly given me some hope. I hope one day I'll be able to face up to my panics too.

Alison - wishing you all the very best for Saturday xx