View Full Version : Have we forgotten what 'normal' is?

Going home
02-06-10, 23:26
Because we are anxious people and spend so much of our lives caught up in the awfullness of it all, do we forget that it can be normal to feel anxious? Anxiety is a normal reaction for everybody when they are nervous or scared or traumatised, our bodies were made with this nervous system for a reason remember, and for people who accept that the feelings are a normal reaction tend to just let them go, its only people like us who maybe decide that the various symptoms of it are not normal and then we grow to fear them and make more of them, which of course adds to them and keeps them constant.

Anxiety is normal and fear of it isn't necessary.

(She says bravely as her heart skips a few beats and she starts to panic :D)

Anna xxx

03-06-10, 10:37
My belief is that over the years we have 'suffered' so much, that our subconscious becomes 'programmed' to expect the anxiety on a daily basis and in many cases this is exactly what happens!

As other people can take these situations in their stride, we on the other hand are super sensitive don't forget and in the end, our own constant anxiety becomes a normality!

It is very similar to the hard drive of a PC. If it is left to its own devices it will eventually become cluttered with all the information it absorbs and in the end will become sluggish and take longer and longer to function normally. You may notice that when you first buy a PC it performs quite fast but as the months go by and more information is stored it will become slower.

Therefore, I believe our minds need a constant re-programming in order to keep all our unwanted information we store as an anxiety sufferer at bay.
In other words, all the obsessional thoughts, the 'what ifs', memories of the past etc., must be replaced with positive thoughts and attitudes of the present time and/or the future.

This of course is easier to say than it is to do for a sufferer. Once we begin to re-programme, then we are on the first step to a positive outlook.
This is something that cannot happen overnight. Obviosly, a person who has been suffering for 20 years will not feel better in a week. But slowly and surely they will begin to absorb the positive attitude over time.

Yes, I believe we have forgotton what 'normal' is, but if we can dedicate the time to try and remember it, I'm sure it will work.

03-06-10, 13:46
Almost forgot what is was like to be normal.
I feel I have lost me if you know what I mean.

My cb counsellor told me I was normal once and can be normal again

03-06-10, 14:08
I feel the same. It's as if I've got a split personaility; the down to earth, easy going side and the worrying, anxious, 'the world is going to end' side and you wonder how you ever got like this.

I have only joined this site today but I am already feeling better knowing that I am not on my own and it is nice to see such encouraging words posted.

Going home
03-06-10, 21:14
Hi Alison and welcome, hope we can help you to feel more normal again lol!

Anna xxx :flowers:

03-06-10, 22:32
I used to think I had forgotten what normal was, but when it happens (and it will) you will recognoise your old friend quick enough.

Going home
03-06-10, 22:41
That's just the point Benny...what does 'normal' mean to us? Does it mean waiting for the time when we never feel another anxiety symptom? because thats unrealistic and we'll be waiting forever. If we've allowed anxiety to rule for a long time then we just want it ALL to disappear forever and we tend to think normal will be never feeling your heart race or skip or flutter or never feeling your legs tremble etc...whereas it is perfectly normal to react in this way sometimes in certain situations :)

Anna xxx