View Full Version : Jaw/Teeth clenching

03-06-10, 00:02
Ok this is getting ridiculous now. Ive been clenching my teeth down onto eachother so hard that it hurts for ages after, but I DONT EVEN REALISE WHEN IM DOING IT UNTIL IT STARTS TO HURT?!! WHATS THAT ALL ABOUT???!!!

It happens all the time but tonight was the worst. M e and my fella were out for dinner earlier, i was just sat there looking around and my teeth were really painful, and my entire jaw ached. I then realised it was because they had been clenched for so long... why am i doing this?? Does anyone else do this?? I do it even in my sleep coz i wake up with achey jaw and cant bite down on my food properly with my back teeth coz they feel so bruised and sensitive... sooo weird :(

Anyone help?? x

03-06-10, 00:03
I do it all the time too, though I usually notice just before it gets to a point where it starts to ache, its jsut the stress and tension I think hun

Going home
03-06-10, 00:03
Sounds alot like tension.

Anna xx

minnie h
03-06-10, 10:48
i do this to,i try 2 relax my mouth n jaw but az soon az i start getin anxious i do it.if urs is really hurtin then u can get a mouth guard for it.ul look like a heavyweight.but ur teeth wont hurt lol x

03-06-10, 13:15
hi i wake up every morning and my jaw really hurts i cant open my mouth,my doc said its pure sign off severe depression as my body doesnt even relax when im sleeping xxx:weep:

03-06-10, 13:58
I had a "splint" at night times for my TMD (nacked up jaw). Its just a rubberry thing that takes the stress off your jaw at night and gives it a break. If you have a private dentist, they might refer you to a hospital to have one. They just take a mould and send you the splint in the post. It helps me a lot for night though its only for night so you need to sort out your stress levels to help it in the day.

03-06-10, 15:41
hi i do this,, and only know ive done it when my jaws hurt,, its part of anixety for me and stress, but i saw the dentist cause a bit of tooth had come off which was due to grinding my teeth so they made a gum sheild to take the pressure off.

its works and i wont lose all my teeth,:D

03-06-10, 16:51
I constantly clench my jaw and I'm forever grinding my teeth. I think I'll look into getting a gum shield..was it expensive to have made up?

03-06-10, 17:42
I have awful jaw tension, and bite down hard without realising it too even in my sleep, I wear a splint at night. On Monday I am going for Botox in my jaw muscle to see if that helps, the Botox was recommended by my consultant at the hospital.

03-06-10, 17:43
I sometimes suffer with this although not quite as severe as some of the other members - chewing gum works for me! Cheaper than a gum shield so worth a try!

03-06-10, 19:52
Thanks guys xx

06-06-10, 19:58
Hi. You have my sympathies. I do this as well. Its a long story but apparently I have been clenching my teeth in my sleep so my teeth and jaws ache and quite often I wake up with headaches. My jaw clicks on one side too, sometimes when eating or even just talking. Had a soft splint made by my dentist (£35) but to be honest it doesnt make much difference. I am trying not to think about it but not having much success.

06-06-10, 21:22
Hi - I have ground my teeth since childhood and worn the edges down on my front teeth. I clench during the day too. Am now going to see dentist about a night guard, as I think it may be causing my stiff neck and headaches.
Medical term for this is Bruxism. As most people have said, it's a stress thing - and you just don't realise you are doing it!
J x

14-08-10, 01:39
Glad I found this thread! I thought I was losing it. Lately I find myself clenching my jaw until it hurts and I could not figure out why. Another symptoms of this darn anxiety! Anxiety I really, really don't like you!:lac:

14-08-10, 03:51
*hand up* I'm another jaw clencher. I have been doing this for years and I have actually made my teeth wobbly from it. The dentist just worked out what I was doing last year after scratching his head as to why my teeth are loose. I now have a gum shield that protected the front teeth (they were being pushed forward and loose) but now I clench the back instead and they are getting loose so I have to go back to sort that out.

Painful jaw all the time, especially on the joint - it hurts when I yawn. You need to sort that one Hayz because us girls can have problems with gums and hormones and wobbly teeth are hard to mend. Get a gum shield! I realise I do it when I'm driving, once the dentist explained when people tend to do it.

14-08-10, 04:21
Yes im a teeth clencher, i realise im doing it when i can blood flow in my ears, as soon as i relax my jaw the noise is gone.
im gonna look into the teeth guard/splint to.......


14-08-10, 05:09
I have the jaw clenching too.

14-08-10, 17:20
I get this as a side effect from taking citalopram. Annoying!