View Full Version : Anxiety relapse?

03-06-10, 09:54
I have suffered from stress, depression and anxiety for over 20 years. The last time I was ill with anxiety was in 2006 when I had a breakdown but made a good recovery. I have not been able to work since but in the last 3 and a half years I have started to improve by getting out and about and doing voluntary jobs. Unfortunately last month my cat died and since then my anxiety has been through the roof and the negative thoughts are back with a vengence. I am constantly worrying that I am going to pass out or faint or die and I am worried that I have got some serious disease every waking hour. This makes it hard to go out and do normal activities at the moment even though I do try my best and I do go for short walks. I was on 80mg propanolol and 20mg citalopram but then the doctor told me to increase the citalopram to 40mg. I tried 40mg for a week but thought I was having side effects so the doctor told me to reduce back down to 20mg.

I have now seen 3 different doctors within the last week that have reassured me that there is nothing seriously wrong with me and even my partner and my parents have tried to reassure me but this does not stop my mind racing with worry. I just want this all to stop and I want my life back again.

03-06-10, 10:10
The symptoms I am getting is:-

Pressure in the head.
Ears feel blocked.
Blurred vision.
Tremors in the hands and head.
Breathing funny.
Heart palpitations.
Feeling scared and frightened all the time.
Breaking down in tears.

03-06-10, 10:30
just want to send you hugs and know you are not alone, i am currently going through a similar thing and i to have been to the doctors about 10 times the last few weeks.The doctor has tried to reassure me on numerous occasions that my bloods are ok and there is nothing serious going on but i still cant stop thinking i am dying.I feel like i cant breath etc.I am hoping on monday after a few tests i might think differently.Hang in there :hugs:

03-06-10, 10:37
Thanks Zippy for your support and im wishing you good luck for monday with the tests but im sure they will come back fine. I am seeing my therapist tomorrow morning so Im hoping it will do some good:hugs:

03-06-10, 10:53
hopefully you will feel better after you see your therapist.I know how you feel and its just awful.Its my birthday today and i cant even go for a meal as i feel so ill, it just sucks.:flowers:

03-06-10, 11:31
hopefully you will feel better after you see your therapist.I know how you feel and its just awful.Its my birthday today and i cant even go for a meal as i feel so ill, it just sucks.:flowers::birthday1:HPPY BTHDAY ZIPPY,sorry you to are feeling rotten today,i was excactly the same yest,i started to post how i was,but was that down i couldnt finish it and had to log off,sobbing was all i did,but i had a good chat with myself,mulled over my thoughts put it down to 1 of those realy bad days and said tomorrow is going to be a better day,i still feel battered from yest,but im not letting this beat me,if i only feel good today then its an improvement.i hope the day gets better for you.ellen.x:hugs:

03-06-10, 11:40
The symptoms I am getting is:-

Pressure in the head.
Ears feel blocked.
Blurred vision.
Tremors in the hands and head.
Breathing funny.
Heart palpitations.
Feeling scared and frightened all the time.
Breaking down in tears.:hugs:hi sandy,sorry you to are feeling bad today,all the symptoms you have put down i have,the only diffrence,the tremors, i get in my chest,but all are awfull all the same and many times its completly ruined my day,i yust wish I could scare the feelings and symptoms away as much as they scare me.i hope like iv said to zippy,your day will get better and you feel easier soon.ellen.xx

03-06-10, 12:58
hi all i 2 suffer from manic depression and currently take 40mg of cialopram,im struggling real bad @ the min,cryin all the time, shakin,cant eat or sleep my family is being ruined because off me i so wish i could just snap out off it but its so hard xx

03-06-10, 13:38
Happy birthday Zippy. Hope you have a great day. Did you get any nice pressies? Dont worry about not going out for a meal because I could not face it at the moment either and I normally love going out for meals. Give yourself enough time to recover and then hopefully you will be able to go out for your meal in a couple of weeks. x

03-06-10, 13:45
Thanks for your messages bellalew and donna@sam. Its funny to think we have all got more or less the same symptoms. I did go on the bus shopping downtown so it has been an achievement today and im feeling a little better but this pressure on the head and blocked ears is still freaking me out. Up to three weeks ago, I was travelling all around hampshire now im nervous about going even on a short walk but I have been doing that all week. Hopefully I will get back to my normal self in time but I just can't see it at the moment. I came off the 40mg citalopram after a week because I could not cope with the side effects now im back down to 20mg.