View Full Version : Feeling like youe heart has stopped

Natalie x
03-06-10, 11:55
Hi. Has anyoen ever experienced feeling like your heart has stopped? I got this feeling last night when watching tv, and it's driving me mad with worry. I'm not sure if it is all in my head or not and I maybe just imagined it or imagined that was what happened and then dwelled on it?! I was at the hospital a few weeks ago and they checked everyhting - my heart rate was a little high but they said that is probably die to anxiety. Has anyoen else ever had this feeling? I'm scared that ot may have been soemthign serious and I'm scared it might happen again. I looked up google (I know, worst thing I could ever have done!) and I've just freaked myself out. I'm only 18. Do you think that this is nothing to worry about? Please reply!

minnie h
03-06-10, 12:25
hiya. Im 24.i get this feelin alot,i just move about wen i get it,coz if ur heart had stopd u wudnt be moving about.ud b on the floor hun.it is scary tho so i no how u feel. NO GOOGLE!!! X x

Natalie x
03-06-10, 12:29
Hi Hanna. Thanks for your reply. I know - it is really scary! Do you think I should be worried? Do you think that it is in our heads reather than real life? I din;t even know if that was what happened - I just started to panic and think it was, but I really hope it wasn't! x x

minnie h
03-06-10, 13:02
yea i think we just get a normal sensation sumwer in our bodies but we our minds tel us diffrent.i no wot we are feelin iz so awful n its so scary,but if it woz ur heart stopin ud be passing out! Try not to sit n think about it. X x

Natalie x
03-06-10, 13:12
Thanks Hanna. I'll try not to! xx

03-06-10, 13:37
Was in bed one night about 8 weeks ago and was convinced my heart had stopped. It felt like my heart had a bit of a bang then nothing.
For a few moments things seemed like they where in slow motion and I thought I was dead which now sounds silly but at the time I thought am I dead is this what it is like to be dead.

I was shaking so much when I tried to get a pulse could not find one so thought I really am dead.

I prayed for God to help me and tried to take my pulse and this time got it and it was normal.

I am still here 8 weeks later so have told myself it must have been anxiety.

It was a horrible experience and I hope it never happens again.

03-06-10, 22:35
I've had this also, and it can be terrifying ,as people have said I think it's your mind telling you that normal feelings/everyday pains are something sinister, try to put your mind at rest by telling yourself there's a lot of people out there suffering the same thing(I've suffered for a good 5-6 years). I know it's hard to reassure yourself when your in the zone but you'll be fine:-)