View Full Version : left side?

03-06-10, 12:28
Does anyone ever feel like all there problems are on one side of there body? All my problems seem to be on my left. My left shoulder aches,left side of back aches,left hip aches,headaches in left and any aches and pains are always on my left.
I ate something last night and i started getting pains in my left armpit and in my left boob.I dont know whats going on with my body!!

03-06-10, 12:43
Mine is the right side. Everyone has a weaker side

03-06-10, 12:46
does anyone know why i would get pains under my left armpit and in my breast after eating something? I just feel so ill, i have just hoovered and had to sit down after it as i feel out of breath and shattered.

03-06-10, 13:44
I get pains in my left or right shoulder from time to time and around my breast! Its usually trapped wind. Sounds bizarre but it is referred to as shoulder tip pain and can be really quite painful. I put pain that i get in my breast down to hormones and the glands in my breast. Breast always get sensitive around the menstrual cycle for me anyway and has painful shooting pains. Hope this helps with the worry

sarah jayne
03-06-10, 15:20
I have problems with my left side, its weird isnt it ! I have 3 slipped discs in my neck, my doctor thinks theres another one gone in my back ( left side again), i get chest pains which are on the left side and central, left arm pains,left leg pains and a left swollen ankle. Im sick of it all !
Sarah x

03-06-10, 15:25
Mine is the right side :(

03-06-10, 15:27
Its not just the pains i worry about its how i feel as well.I just feel awful, i have anti nausea tablets and they dont work and i have cocodemols and i still feel awful.I feel i am getting worse each day.

03-06-10, 15:57
Hi, Yes I also have all my feeling on my left side, like numb feeling in left side of head and left cheek, tingling in left arm and hand, sometimes sleepy feeling in left leg and foot and various other aches and pains, sick feelings and fatigue. I just wondered if you are on any medications?

03-06-10, 16:45
I am on fluoxetine and sleeping tablets. x

03-06-10, 19:55
mine are ALWAYS left side, which always worries me as i stupidly read on google that heart problems can give u pain in left arm and left of ur back etc, but ive accepted that this is just my weaker side, and i dont notice or worry as much about the right side so cors im guna notice left side more lol. take care x

03-06-10, 21:46
does anyone know why i would get pains under my left armpit and in my breast after eating something? I just feel so ill, i have just hoovered and had to sit down after it as i feel out of breath and shattered.

This is exactly how my acid reflux feels. It's not a big deal, just use antacids :)