View Full Version : scared about mixup at a GUM clinic

03-06-10, 12:48
Hi guys,

I went for an HIV test 3 months ago at a GUM clinic. After filling a form with my details (DOB,name,address), I waited for my name to be called. A nurse called my name but it wasn't very clear. As it sounded like my name I went in and gave my blood and urine.

2 weeks later i got a negative result for all std's including HIV. Now i'm worried and wondering if i went and gave blood, urine when another persons name was called. Is it really possible that something like this can happen ? Could there be a mix up ?

I remember the when i went in to the room for my test the nurse asked my DOB. I assume she checked it with the DOB I filled in the earlier form. If thats the case i think everything is ok but i'm not sure if she just asked my the DOB to label the samples without checking the DOB on the form.

I'm really scared. What do u guys think. Is this irrational worrying ? do I need to test again ?

any help would be great


03-06-10, 14:21
Hi anxiousman, It is always possible that their was a mix up but to be perfectly honest its very difficult. All blood and urine that is sent to the lab is individually labelled. With this it is sent with a request from with all details on it. If the lab receives blood or urine that is labelled but the request form doesnt match the label on the specimens then it wont be processed. If you are still worried then go back to the clinic for reassurance and explain what has happend and why you feel that their may have been a mistake. Im sure they would be perfectly happy to repeat the bloods and urine.


03-06-10, 15:29
They ALWAYS check. They wouldnt just assume. Trust me, you are in the clear. If you are that worried, call the GU clinic and tell them and they will reassure you there was no mix up and you are fine. Did they give you a card with your personal NHS reference number on it? they usually do. If so, call and give that number and ask them to make sure they have your name come up xx

03-06-10, 17:46
than you all for your replies. I suffer from extreme anxiety. when i was small i used to wash the tap 5-6 times when i used it. I even got worried for the smallest thing. when i actually know i did something i still check 5-6 times if i really did it like switching off the iron.

the clinic gave me a personal clinic number before they did the test when i was in the testing room. i brought this to the clinic 2 wks after i came to pick up the results. i gave them the card and said my name. if they looked at the clinic no on the card and retrieved the results then it's ok.

i'm not in d uk at the moment so i can't call them and give my clinic no to check my details. also as a policy they don't say anything over the phone.

Anyway i think i have irrational worries as u guys said. Please keep talking to me. It's a relief to talk to someone. god bless u all :hugs:


03-06-10, 17:49
You really are not alone.....honestly! At the end of the day we are all on here due to irrational worries that we cant control but we are aware of them which makes things okay. We are only human. take care

04-06-10, 03:47
thanks shell24

04-06-10, 13:03
If you gave them your card before and they called your name.... there is NO chance of there being a mix up. Celebrate my friend. You got the all clear :D x

06-06-10, 11:37
thanks xfilme:)

Rachel W
07-06-10, 01:57
...so even if it was the wrong name the testing clinic number would match the blood you gave as they gave this to you in the room and this is what they would label the vials with I am sure...so you are fine

08-06-10, 09:00
thanks Rachel.

i know that it's highly unlikely that something like this can happen. it's just that when the nurse called my name at the waiting room before drawing blood, it wasn't clear and i went to her and pronounced it to her.

she didn't even check it with the form when i pronounced it. as u guys said the whole procedure must be safe that she doesn't need to do that. Cos she didn't do that i'm just worried if she is a careless person and made other mistakes. I know it sounds crazy.

anyway i'll try my best to get over this. would appreciate if u guys kept talking to me as u have.

