View Full Version : Hello

03-06-10, 13:47
Hi, I'm new to this forum and thought I'd say hello. I've had depression for 8 years and was doing extremely well last year so stopped my fluoxetine after consulting with my gp.

Now I've been off the fluoxetine for 6 months and seemed to be coping okay - I realised that life is full of up and low times and thought I was learning to accept it.

However, this last month for apparently no reason I've been feeling really low, crying at the most daftest of things and also having the most terrible panic attacks as well:weep:

I went to yoga class this morning and unbelievably had a panic attack during relaxation at the end!:ohmy: I felt truly awful:weep: Somehow I managed to get a grip and calmed down, but it's left me feeling exhausted, close to tears and feeling that I've completely lost the plot.

I love my yoga, I really do and have never had this before. I really don't want this to make me start avoiding yoga and my other gym classes:weep:

I feel extremely lucky in life, I have a wonderful husband who is extremely caring and supportive, a very privileged life in that we have fantastic holidays and I now work 2/3 days a week in a profession that I love. I don't believe I should be entitled to feel like this and look at the weather today, it's absolutely gorgeous and I feel like this!:weep:

Whilst I know I can go and see my GP and he's very supportive, I'm willing to try anything to try and overcome this, it's truly rotten.

Looking forward to chatting more with all of you.

B xx

03-06-10, 13:53
Hi Justme71,

I am also new to this website (registered about 15 minutes ago). I have no magic words to make you feel better (and believe me, I wish I did) but I just wanted to say that your not on your own and I think you have done really well to come off your medication and still live the life you want. I suffer with anxiety and hope that we and everyone will else will one day suffer no more or at least have good control over our problems.

The day before last I was in tears, had no appetitie and felt like I had lost the plot (as I do many times), so I think we all have our ups and downs. But try not to let it stop you doing the things you like, like your yoga classes. The exercise will really help you.

I hope things pick up for you.x

03-06-10, 13:54
Hi Justme71

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

03-06-10, 14:00
Hi Justme71,

I am also new to this website (registered about 15 minutes ago). I have no magic words to make you feel better (and believe me, I wish I did) but I just wanted to say that your not on your own and I think you have done really well to come off your medication and still live the life you want. I suffer with anxiety and hope that we and everyone will else will one day suffer no more or at least have good control over our problems.

The day before last I was in tears, had no appetitie and felt like I had lost the plot (as I do many times), so I think we all have our ups and downs. But try not to let it stop you doing the things you like, like your yoga classes. The exercise will really help you.

I hope things pick up for you.x

Thank you so much for your reply Alison, looking forward to chatting more on here :hugs:

03-06-10, 14:01
Hi Justme71

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Thank you Nicola :hugs:

03-06-10, 22:07

Im a newbie too !!:blush:

I have been suffering with panic disorder/GAD for several years on & off and find it soooo debilitating! I get sooo fed up of feeling so low and in such a state one day and then fine the next !

I have been on Prozac, Citralopram etc but not been taking any lately as cant deal with the first few weeks of heightened anxiety...

I was always life and soul of a party and feel that I have lost my "sparkle"!:weep::weep:

I have awful feelings ranging from palpitations, sweats , shaky/trembling/nausea etc...the worse thing for me is the thoughts of dying and being ill - it really drives me mad

I sooo want to feel ok as i am sure we all do - some days I dont know how I get through a day, I'm having a conversation with someone but not really listening apart from what I am saying to myself !! ?? does that make sense ?? God I sound like a right fruit cake !:blush:

Anyway hope you all have a better day tomorrow as I pray for that every night !

Liz x

04-06-10, 07:07

Im a newbie too !!:blush:

I have been suffering with panic disorder/GAD for several years on & off and find it soooo debilitating! I get sooo fed up of feeling so low and in such a state one day and then fine the next !

I have been on Prozac, Citralopram etc but not been taking any lately as cant deal with the first few weeks of heightened anxiety...

I was always life and soul of a party and feel that I have lost my "sparkle"!:weep::weep:

I have awful feelings ranging from palpitations, sweats , shaky/trembling/nausea etc...the worse thing for me is the thoughts of dying and being ill - it really drives me mad

I sooo want to feel ok as i am sure we all do - some days I dont know how I get through a day, I'm having a conversation with someone but not really listening apart from what I am saying to myself !! ?? does that make sense ?? God I sound like a right fruit cake !:blush:

Anyway hope you all have a better day tomorrow as I pray for that every night !

Liz x

Hiya Liz and thank you for your reply. Seems there's a few of us newbies on here. I feel very much the same as you - it's almost shocking how many of us are suffering like this isn't it.

Looking forward to chatting with you more and let's hope that one day we'll all get our sparkle back xx:hugs: