View Full Version : Cetirizine and citalopram

jaded jean
03-06-10, 13:48
Hi all.
Being the questionable person I am,, are the 2 meds I have listed ok together< The cetirizine is for hayfever but I have a thing about taking ANY medication:blush:

03-06-10, 14:50
Hi Jean
Did a google search and found some links you might find helpful, best advice I saw was simply ask a pharmacist, so pop into your local chemist and ask or ring them up.

Here you go:


Hope that helps a bit

03-06-10, 15:31
Hi Jean

I suffer from hayfever and have alergies but so far not taken anything this spring as have not suffered that badly. I actualy don't know if these two are safe together so will be interesting to see if somebody on here knows incase i need to take some myself.

Hope you ok


jaded jean
03-06-10, 17:16
Thanks Raindog for that.
Marketa There is a moderate interaction between the two meds . Still dont know whether to take it or not. I am so dizzy with it. never been like this before. Had BP checked -ok for me. ears checked -pressure there in both. Iam being chicken again just eating Hall extra strong throat sweets.:weep:

jaded jean
03-06-10, 17:28
Me again
Have just rang the chemist and was told -No Problem

04-06-10, 09:10
Hi Jean

Thanks for the info. I think because antihistamines can make you feel also bit drowsy same as the antidepressants the joint effect perhaps making you feel light and dizzy. I might have to take some soon as had runny nose and sneezed a lot past few days.
