View Full Version : Sudden thoughts coming into head to run away, etc and feelings of unreality

03-06-10, 15:06
For the past week, I've had these odd thoughts pop into my head at random times saying things like "I need to run away", "I need to get out of the car and walk over there", "I need to get out of here" or "I need to scream right now"... then I'll have a really bad urge to walk away, or run away, or to babble out words, depending on the type of thought that has come into my head. I'm getting so afraid of this. I'm scared I'm going to lose control of my mind and do these weird, random things I keep having the urge to do. It's not even happening when I'm panicking - it can happen when I'm laying in bed, or watching TV... anytime really. It's not always associated with a panic attack.

Also, the past couple of days I've been feeling very 'brain fogged' and confused. I've been feeling as if nothing is real... that I'm not in my house, that I'm not really here, that this isn't happening and it's just a dream. Yesterday it was particularly bad and I even had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming! Deep down I know it's all real, but the feeling is freaking me out.

Does anybody else get these things? Or am I about to lose complete control?

03-06-10, 15:19
I wanted to add another thing to do with feeling confused.

Yesterday, I was reading a book. I was getting quite absorbed in it, and then... to my utter shock, as soon as I stopped reading I thought to myself... "where am I? what is this?? what's real, is THIS real, or the book?? What's going on??!" I got so scared. I had the sudden urge to yell out "This isn't real!!" but I managed to control myself...
What the hell is going on with me?? Is this depersonalization or something else I'm wondering?? Ugh!!

03-06-10, 16:03
are you on meds

03-06-10, 16:12
Yup - sertraline 50mg for about 3 weeks/nearly a month and olanzapine 2.5mg every other day.

03-06-10, 16:22
i dot know but could be your meds maybe have a word with your docter ,,dont suffer in silence he might change dose

04-06-10, 09:18
I'm going to see my advisor at the mental health team next week so I'll mention it to her then. It's really scaring me though... I'm convinced I'm going mad! :(

04-06-10, 19:58
Just seen your post.

I can't give much advice but what you say sounds very much how I feel. I feel my mind is away.

It's all nerves...

Depersonlization + Panic + fears of going mad..common with anxiety I think. I have been suffering it..six weeks now..to the point I say it's like every day..and I was on Diazepam for it...

I feel stress caused it for me.