View Full Version : Feel Low On A Day I Shouldn't

03-06-10, 17:06
oHi there

Never started a new thread before and haven't looked on here for a while but today I am having a bad day. Of all things it's my birthday today and instead of being happy, ever since I got up have felt really low.

I don't know whether I just don't like getting old (Im only 25!) or something has changed in my head.

I have been on Citalopram for about 3 months now and been on 20mg for about 6 weeks. My side effects really reduced thankfully after they were really bad at first, but today I am feeling just really down.

I have anxietry and my biggest fear is going back to feeling how I felt last year when I was more depressed and lonely. I have definitely felt better this year but I am scared of going backwards rather than forwards. Anyone else got similar experiences?

03-06-10, 20:22
Happy Birthday!
Sorry your feeling so low on your birthday. I know how you feel, ive been feeling a lot better recently but when i have anxious moments i then worry i am going back to how i was when i thought i was nearly 100% better.
Give your meds a chance, 6 weeks isnt a long time but if you feel it isnt working then see your GP about a new anti depressant maybe another one would suit you better however just because your having a bad day doesnt mean thet are not working nor does it mean your going to go back to how you were feeling, you may wake up tomorrow feeling much better and today was just a blip. Also treat your self to a new book, 'self help for your nerves' by Claire Weekes is an amazing book, it really helped me to understand more about anxiety and has great self help methods, i always try and re read it on a bad day.
Anyway hope your day improved and you had a good birthday:)

03-06-10, 21:16
Happy Birthday!

Again I am sorry you are feeling low on your birthday! How have you been doing up until today on the tablets? Maybe its just a bad day,,,,sadly I don't think moods pick there days they just come and stay for a while. Don't feel too low.....its more likely to be just a little blip and soon you will feel better again!
Hope your ok xxxx

04-06-10, 05:34
Happy birthday!

I would say just to not over-think it. :) Sometimes you just have a bad day and that's that. Even people without our problem have bad days, it's normal. Birthdays are very emotional, it's not hard for it to swing into a very bad experience on very short notice. I think you'll feel a little better tomorrow. :)

We're here for you. Never be afraid to start a thread to ask a question, okay? :) Get well soon, buddy. I'll be thinking about you.


04-06-10, 09:15
Happy Birthday!!!

I think it's just one of those bad days you having. I think we all have them even if we all are on Citalopram. Its not a miracle drug to take all bad moods and low days away unfortunately. I think you feel better tomorrow :hugs:

04-06-10, 10:49
Many thanks for all the replies people.

I actually went out last night to see a show with my girlfriend so didn't get a chance to reply until now. I enjoyed the show and it helped take my mind of things, however on the way home I started to feel really down again.

When I got home my girlfriend gave me 2 presents she bought me and that did really cheer me up, I also feel better today I'm pleased to say. I don't know whether the whole getting another year older hit me a bit yesterday, I felt almost relieved when the day was over and instead of enjoying the attention for 1 day I seemed to want people to just not say anything to me. I know 25 is not very old but I do have worries that my life is whizzing by and I don't have long left.

It could be part of my anxiety, I am due to see the doctor on Monday for a check on how I am doing so can discuss some of these things.