View Full Version : Please help!

Natalie x
03-06-10, 18:48
Please help! I just started reading up loads of stuff in the internet about your heart stopping (I know, it's the worst thing I could have done!) and it came back saying something that you can mentally think yourself into tour heart stopping! Do you think this is possible? I thought that it's an automatic reaction like the rest of your organs. Please tell me that this isn;t possible!

03-06-10, 18:54

Your heart is controlled by your subconscious, the same part of your mind that controls your breathing, blinking, swallowing etc.

You can no more make your heart stop than you can make yourself stop breathing.

Please don't read into too much that you read on the internet! We've all been there and done that, and consequently paid the price!

minnie h
03-06-10, 19:37
natalie...wot did i say on ur last post?? NO GOOGLE!! lol..this is guna make u so much worse now! Stick the kettle on,watch britains got talent and calm dwn x x

03-06-10, 19:47
There should be a block warning on 'Dr. Google" This information may be hazardous to your mental health. lol:) I have read things and had myself 6 feet under weeks ago.
Today is a somewhat better day so far. Of course there are some happy events at home that are keeping my moods light and distracted from myself.

Natalie x
03-06-10, 19:53
Thanks for your replies. I know - Googlre is such a bad thing! How come we all end up looking our symptoms on that thing?! Do you think though that this is impossible to think your heart into stopping?

03-06-10, 20:11

You've been thinking about it now for over an hour, and it's still beating, so thats all the proof you need!

Do as Minnie suggests and watch 'Britains Got Talent'!!!

That always gives me the screaming s***s!

But that's another symptom!

God bless you.