View Full Version : marigold - I'm new

03-06-10, 19:05
I have a snake phobia and have had it since a nasty snake incident when I was 5. Have always managed to cope fairly well, although not comfortable in tropical climes. It has got worse as I get older and now I need to visit my sister in a snakeish place in the USA. I can't cope and have joined to look for help.

03-06-10, 19:11
Hi marigold

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Vanilla Sky
03-06-10, 21:04
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

Tia Maria
05-06-10, 11:32
Hi Marigold
Welcome. My name is Maria and I actually work with all kinds of animals - including snakes. You don't actually say what the nasty incident was but I thought you might like to know about the 'myths' of snakes. When I first got my job the one thing that scared me most of all was my fear of snakes and the fact that I would, at some point, have to face them. Firstly, snakes are shy and secretive creatures. You are more likely to be bitten or attacked by your own domestic pets; i.e. cats, rabbits and hamsters. Snakes do not deliberately attack - they would rather slink away than come into contact with any human. The only time a snake would attack is if they were cornered and needed to defend themselves - just like we would. The chances of you coming across snakes are quite remote but if you do, walk away and leave them to it. I am not sure where you are going in the USA but I had a two week holiday in Tenneesee, stayed in the Smokey Mountains in a Log Cabin where there are loads of snakes - and never saw one! Hope this helps. Maria