View Full Version : When will it all end?

03-06-10, 20:50
I know its my anxiety that is causing all my symptoms, but when will it all end.
Been seeing a CBT Councellor for a good year now, and although i seem to have controlled my panic attacks theyhave been cut down nearly 70-80%, i just feel tense now with health anxiety! Always something in my head telling me "what if its" eg cancer. stroke etc.
Been like this for 9 years now...when will these sensations go!!

How long can someone be on citalopram? I've been on and off these for nearly 9 years now, and my body is still not use to them.
Since being on this medication.. my pupils seem to been dilated fully open making me look like a freak! I'm on and off have sexual problems, i'm tired all the time, i seem to feel no joy or excitement in my life. I rarely smile.

My muscles still all tense up, i get muscle twitches virtually everywhere in legs, back and arms. I still experience chest discomfort, still get fast heart beat even whilst lying down doing nothing!! My head seems always dizzy,legs turn to jelly, my jaw aches due to tension. The more i think about these things the worse i feel, the only thing stopping me having a major panic attack is that im now learning to deal with them and not catastrophise the situation. ( easier said than done )
My cbt councellor and GP are sure this is all anxiety...but i just dont know anymore, im starting to doubt even my own mind which just makes my head confused all the time!

03-06-10, 22:31

I feel for you I really do. I ask myself the same question everyday. I was on the train today and had a fluttering heart, nervous tummy and sick feeling come over me and started thinking about death etc etc.

I get on my own nerves I really do. I piss myself off! I suffer from Globus Sensation and constantly feel as though a lump or debris is stuck in my throat. Sometimes it feels like a pressure all around my neck the next day it can feel like I have a hair or pill stuck down my throat.

Today it's really bad. Pressure feeling, tense muscles, stiff neck, constantly swallowing. The only break I get is when I eat. I'm seeing the ENT guys soon, have CBT arranged, doctors think I'm nuts keep going back with the 'lump in the throat'. They think it's nothing else but Anxiety when I think it's throat cancer..........

I've had bloods taken, thyroid checked and now wait upon the camera down my throat (nice huh) I can totally sympathise with you. I think it will never go away. I've learned to live with it now. Try and ignore it. Sometimes it really gets me down and I burst into tears praying the feeling will go.

I have a book which I recommend - it's called 'At Last A Life' by Paul David you can get it from this website www.anxietynomore.co.uk (http://www.anxietynomore.co.uk) I haven't read it all yet but this guy beat it after soooo many years. It's been inspiring so far? Maybe it could help you. I would love to wave a magic wand and help us all....

I did this to myself and went from a 26 year old girl, without a care in the world - as such, to an anxious wreck, thinking every symptom I have is deadly. I'm so scared of dying that I'm not living. Do you understand? It's a crazy thing this anxiety and it doesn't help when you have to walk round with a feeling like there is a lump in your throat!!!

I just wanted to tell you I don't know when your symptoms will end but that we're all in the same boat and can try to help each other. Try out the book and website if you haven't already? And just ride with the feeling let it come and then let it go. Don't fight it. I hope you find peace oneday? God bless.

Neen. :)