View Full Version : Please Help Guys.....Headaches

03-06-10, 20:58
Hi all

I am back again this time with headaches

I have been docs about this before who said this was rhino sinnitus(sp) i had to have my ear syringed about 6/8 weeks ago i have not had any problems till now i get pressure round my eyes and the left side of my head near my temple my ear feels bunged again would wax build up again that quick? i am getting a bit scared now

Thanks guys

03-06-10, 21:01
Yes wax can build up that quick I have the same problem, I have more or less a constant headache, facial pain and pressure. I get lightheadedness with mine too. Hope your feeling a bit calmer.

03-06-10, 21:05
Hi Ann01

Thanks so much for your reply

we are getting nice weather right now too and while that is great i do suffer on the sun with headaches do you?

03-06-10, 21:18
Oh god yes, I'm actually lay on my bed with headache now I can't handle the heat, I only sat in my garden this afternoon for about 15 minutes and got headache.