View Full Version : ocd straight lines

03-06-10, 20:59
my bf just informed me that i have an obsesive thng where i put everything in staright lines iv never noticed tll now and i also whenin the car have to mentaly picture me waiking on the white lines as the car is going or the car will cras should i menthion this to my pyc ????

thanks hopersxx

03-06-10, 21:06

I have the order compulsion also, putting eveything so its straight to the edge of a desk or whatever! I also have a slightly bad handwashing compulsion.....its not extreme but its there especially at night when my anxiety is worst! Another of my compulsions which really annoys me is my bottom sheet on my bed...if its creased I have to get up and pull it straight until it feel right.
Having said that with my pure O thoughts I shake my head as in shaking the thought out of my head. I would mention it so you can nip it in the bud before it gets worse.

Laura xx

03-06-10, 21:13
I would maybe mention it to them so they can help you.
I never realised until recently about some of the things I do & have done since I was a child, I thought it was normal, I have to do everything in fours & when I'm walking I have to be walking same step as the person I am with & end up doing a little dance so that we end up on the same foot & I can't do more than one step in one paving slab either so if they are big slabs I end up looking like Mr Bean doing some dodgy walk, lol

04-06-10, 11:15
I do that walking thing too bex!

04-06-10, 14:28
well to further my post dose anyone find thems elves rocking ??
hopers xx

05-07-10, 12:57
I also have MAJOR issues with straight lines, symmetry and equidistance (things being the same distance appart, particulalry things being centred). I have it over just about everything from couch cushions to towels, cutlery (when setting the table), magazines on a coffee table, the washing up bowl (centred in the sink), even when clearing away the kids toys. I live with it & even laugh about it but at what point does it become a problem? Remember your not alone though, it's good to share these things, makes you feel a bit more normal.

10-07-10, 02:39
when I'm walking I have to be walking same step as the person I am with & end up doing a little dance so that we end up on the same foot

If you watch people walking together hand in hand, you'll probably find most people walk in tandem. It just feels easier to walk together for both people.

As for the other issues.......

whenin the car have to mentaly picture me waiking on the white lines as the car is going or the car will cras

I think you'll find this about "control". You feel the need to keep in control of everything because it makes you feel safe. If you tried stopping this thought pattern, you fear "losing control" because it makes you feel insecure which then makes you worry about bad things happening.

It's also about keeping to a safe path. You don't want to veer off it or let yourself go. However, by feeling this need to perform this ritual you're creating tension which then increases your anxiety making you feel compelled to keep perforning the same thought. If though you let yourself go by resisting this thought pattern, although you will feel anxious at first, the anxiety will gradually ease as you begin to realise nothing bad will happen because after all, whatever you're thinking has no bearing on what happens around you.

One of the other issues regards the practical behaviour. What I mean is rather than thinking thought to keep safe, we actually feel compelled to do things such as straightening things or putting in lines etc.

This is a perfectionism trait. We're normally overly conscientious so it means we like things to appear perfect. However, this is also about keeping in control and keeping a sense of security because if something isn't perfect it makes us anxious because we feel we're losing control.

However, ask yourself this. When you feel you have to straighten something or put something into line, do things in 4's etc etc, if you don't, do you feel anxious? If so, then the above will apply. If you don't feel anxious then it's probably just habit.

OCD is when you feel you can't stop repeating a ritual that serves no purpose other than to ease anxious feelings. Therefore, if you find yourself worrying about leaving something undone and feel compelled to go back, even though it really doesn't actually matter, then it's something that should be addressed before it gets out of hand because once we start doing one ritual, it often develops into other rituals which is when OCD "can" take over someones life. I feel OCD is easiest to deal with before it takes hold.:hugs: